Beginner's Help and Guides / help!! confused noob here
« on: December 25, 2011, 07:44:59 pm »
I like the concept of crpg but I am having problem of exactly what to do.. I buy things which turn out to be too difficult to use, get slaughtered like the peasant I am in populated servers, and absolutely dont understand what is required to use better weapons and armor except to have the money... in any case I wanted to develop the character in the archer direction.. is it as powerful as in native mode? I noticed fewer people go archer compared to native.
I like the concept of crpg but I am having problem of exactly what to do.. I buy things which turn out to be too difficult to use, get slaughtered like the peasant I am in populated servers, and absolutely dont understand what is required to use better weapons and armor except to have the money... in any case I wanted to develop the character in the archer direction.. is it as powerful as in native mode? I noticed fewer people go archer compared to native.