Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Throwing hybrid suggestions
« on: May 18, 2012, 06:53:59 am »
My thrower hybrid build is a 24/15 5PT 8PS 5agi 5wm, 130wm 2h, 80ish throwing. Wear rags and your mind as the armor, very versatile, hard hitting, and mobile...just kinda fragile.
My loadout is like a heavy bastard sword or katana (depends on which douchey mood im in) and 2 sets of heavy throwing axes. Armor is whatever goofy peasant getup you want to wear. Low or no armor is required for throwing accuracy and fast footwork. The axes are really easy to land on charging cav with their massive hitbox.
Really fun skip to 30 build i play since i dont grind anymore for heirlooms.
My loadout is like a heavy bastard sword or katana (depends on which douchey mood im in) and 2 sets of heavy throwing axes. Armor is whatever goofy peasant getup you want to wear. Low or no armor is required for throwing accuracy and fast footwork. The axes are really easy to land on charging cav with their massive hitbox.
Really fun skip to 30 build i play since i dont grind anymore for heirlooms.