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Messages - Fonsi

Pages: [1]
NA (Official) / Re: Ban Request: Hospitallar_Fonsi
« on: June 03, 2013, 09:36:57 am »
oh man trying to act like you accidentally tked me. get method man in here to tell the real story. it was just us 3 he was done killing method man hit me twice in a row he even took a second to pause

I'm not in the business of waiting for the enemy to attack. I attacked the guy i killed until he died... Seems this did not work on the last guy, who ended up killing me. We were in a rooms with stairs. I was not aware who or how many people were in the 'room', for I could not see the whole room. I was engaged in combat with only seconds in between from when the enemy ran past you to attack me. I lost track of everyone else until I killed him. then you can read what i posted, for it's getting annoying trying to break it down for you.

I've already mentioned how it happened. Seems you have your own opinion of the situation. (which you are entitled to)

Seems odd to me that someone would want to try to get someone banned for so little... This is why I play the game and avoid forums. Thanks to you i've now posted more in a single hour than i have in years. I enjoy games, so I play them. Seems like you enjoy being a troll. It was not a big deal. accidents happen. Have I killed or wounded you before or after? like i said, i don't make a habit to do so... Also, you can see my record, you kill many many more enemies for ea TK i've done. I'm not a troll. Check my record...

Anyhow, i've posted my side, and i'm done with wasting my time to you trying to troll me. Keep trolling, seems that is what you enjoy doing. When we've talked in TS, this was not my impression of you. Seems many hate you... Now I understand why... How many bans do you have on your record? Seems you enjoy crossing the line often... unless you are very badly coordinated and accidentally TK so many people they finally decided to ban you. But, congratulations on getting unbanned. Now you are here... Trolling...

Anyhow, good day to you...

P.S. In case you missed it when I said it here and re-posted it. (Sorry)

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Request: Hospitallar_Fonsi
« on: June 03, 2013, 09:12:24 am »
Total lie, There was only one enemy (method man) fonsi killed me after i couldnt penetrate method man's armor because i was low level and had only a stick, you can go back in the chat logs and I asked method man a couple of questions such as did you see him tk me when no one was around and he answered yes, so stop with this nonsense of what you just lied about. I know i have a bad reputation but you are lying

How did i lie? you posted above.... I posted the following...

If you read on shortly after i wrote in team chat that i was sorry. I killed a guy and you ran off leaving us fight 1v1, which i thought was nice... Not wanting the other guy to fight against loosing odds. I killed him and saw another guys near me, which i killed. I was engaged yet again with another enemy, to whom i died. It was not until Span started telling me someone wanted me banned for TK. I then explained to him what had happened. He informed me that i TKed someone. I said sorry in team chat. In case you did not see it, i will say it here as well, as i see you are sensitive to people's mistakes.

For in the heat of the battle I became narrow sighted, I confused you for an enemy and killed you. For that I am sorry.

I said there were two of us and one enemy... i saw you flee, so i fight him. I beat him and saw another guy. I then killed him, only to see another one come. the third and last one killed me.... i later found out it was a friendly whom I confused for an enemy. Seems it was you. I said I was sorry for a mistake, yet you think someone should be banned for a mistake? what would happen to this community if everyone was banned for accidentally shooting and killing someone. We would have no archers... how about a cav who killed a friendly... No Cav... If everyone had aimbots and other mechanisms to cheat, then we could have a community which would not be banned for being 'human'. Sorry I was not born perfect and could keep 100% awareness at all times, specially during combat. Seems you may be the only perfect person who never kills friendlies at one time or another.

It's not a habit of mine to TW or TK people... But like everyone, with the exception of you of course, it does on occasion happen.

I play Cav mainly, and for ea TW or TK i've done, i've saved 5-10 people while trying to save them.... Sometimes I kill the person who I try to save... Many times I die trying to save them... Some of those times by the person who I attempted to save... Should I try to get all of them banned for killing me? hmmmm.... if so, I may have to try to turn into a troll and hope people kill me so I can help this already small community die. I'd rather be nice to people, and let things go... For I know i'm only human too...

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Request: Hospitallar_Fonsi
« on: June 03, 2013, 08:53:36 am »
If you read on shortly after i wrote in team chat that i was sorry. I killed a guy and you ran off leaving us fight 1v1, which i thought was nice... Not wanting the other guy to fight against loosing odds. I killed him and saw another guys near me, which i killed. I was engaged yet again with another enemy, to whom i died. It was not until Span started telling me someone wanted me banned for TK. I then explained to him what had happened. He informed me that i TKed someone. I said sorry in team chat. In case you did not see it, i will say it here as well, as i see you are sensitive to people's mistakes.

For in the heat of the battle I became narrow sighted, I confused you for an enemy and killed you. For that I am sorry.

Diplomacy / Re: A Unified Tundra -- The Treaty of the North
« on: May 13, 2012, 12:26:09 am »
enjoy hospitaller hegemony over NA strat where the only clans allowed to play bend the knee to masters of the game number 1 steel pick user number 1  aim for horses head/backstab courser cav Devastater and Uniter not a Divider Peppovich

hope all the surviving NA clans enjoy being vassals of a group of br0s that did nothing but threaten and lie to lesser clans and promise to destroy them if they weren't on their side against the oh so intimidating LLJK.

ask RL about what great friends you guys were.  "sorry we're taking ur fief becuase we promised it to goretooth lol but we'll give u another one that we dont use maybe a few months from now.  also my bad about promising not to attack and then attacking.  God Wills It"

surprised you don't make all these clans join Hospitallers strat faction like you forced Occitan to do before that clan nearly fell apart due to ur abuse and manipulations

let me know when a good war that isnt NA vs EU happens this round of strat.  lol nevermind this mod is being propped up by 1 dev who spends 20 minutes a month deleting shit chadz code and no other additions and scamming hospitaller members to paypal him hundreds of dollars a week for a mode that no one plays

rip strat

Why is it you hate this Mod so much yet you are an Admin for it?

Sorry bud, I don't know you or have anything against you but people from multiple clans (yes, i'm Hosp) which is not Hospitaller complain about you being a horrible admin. You admit you think this Mod is "RIP", you claim things about chadz...

May i suggest you:
1 Take some programming course
2 Take time out of your life to code for a free mod
3 Spend less time on the forum, and play the game

1 leave it if you hate it

If you are an admin for a game, should you not like it? Not be hated by everyone not in your clan that week?

Seems to me you should play the game and be an active unbiased admin... Stop being an admin... or just leave the game if you hate it...

Anyhow, back to the subject... A Unified Tundra -- The Treaty of the North

Sell/Trade / Re: Selling Loom Point
« on: April 29, 2012, 07:47:07 am »

Sell/Trade / Re: Selling Loom Point
« on: April 29, 2012, 07:36:17 am » i'm in here atm

Sell/Trade / Selling Loom Point
« on: April 29, 2012, 07:29:01 am »
Level 31 already, 7 Riding 15 Str... Offers?

Announcements / Re: [POLL] cRPG is looking for admins (EU, NA)
« on: December 27, 2011, 12:51:34 am »
Shadowren +1 (can i get two votes? :p)

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