« on: August 01, 2013, 11:12:42 am »
sry Didn't have some the time ^^.
So my character is Aurentius_IV. This guy called Isildur_Tercio was standing on the wall (we're attacker) suddenly he started to attack everyone who was nearby. It was the 31st July about 15:05 (In Germany^^). So the guy was completely naked he just used a Great Sword and ye I used the Siege ladder to get on the wall was writing something and then he started attacking. Idk why, I even don't know this guy, but he also attacked some other guys.
And there is a Second guy called "Reke". There is the report message. Probably "KingBread" knows the complete story. But as you can see on the Screen it was just 1 th, Sb_Soroka and maybe some others guys who where close to us can prove that.