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Messages - PacifisticKiller

Pages: [1]
Global / Re: Autoblocker unban thread
« on: July 13, 2014, 10:16:36 pm »
Hello, I was banned for using AutoBlocker 3 years ago, back when I was 15? I had no skill and was upset at my constant losing and repair costs, I was not progressing and was quite frustrated at the game. This is not an excuse for using a hack, however. I regret ever downloading that program. I started using late December in 2011 up until early January when I was banned. I take full responsibility of my actions and humbly ask for a chance to be unbanned. Yes I know it was "excessive use" for less than a month, less than 2 weeks actually... It all seems so unimportant now, 3 years later. I barely even remember using it to be honest. Thank you for reading, and have a nice day! :D

Global / Re: Autoblocker unban thread
« on: January 15, 2013, 04:09:58 pm »
I started using it December 30th, 2011 and was permabanned January 11, 2012. It has been a year since I was banned, and since then I have matured. I realize what I did was wrong and ruined the fun for everyone. If you allow me to play again, I promise I will play fair, and without the use of any cheats.

Nessaj: High use. No unban.


Thank you. Although I've already posted there, I posted again since it has been one full year.
I started using it December 30th, 2011 and was permabanned January 11, 2012. It has been a year since I was banned, and since then I have matured. I realize what I did was wrong and ruined the fun for everyone. If you allow me to play again, I promise I will play fair, and without the use of any cheats.

I know it was a permanent ban, but it has been one year ago. I was immature then, and now I know how dumb and irresponsible it was of me to try to use AutoBlocker. Ruins the fun for everyone. If you allow me to play again, I promise to play fair, and without the use of any cheats.

Thank you,

Closed Requests / Re: [Unban] PacifisticKiller
« on: April 28, 2012, 10:41:55 pm »
Ya'll need to get a life. I'm gonna go play some GW2, have fun with your shitty mod.

Closed Requests / Re: [Unban] PacifisticKiller
« on: April 24, 2012, 10:07:44 pm »
Not even worth it. Next time I buy it, who knows what I could get banned for again to make me re-buy the game. I already said that I have been regretting my decision to use AutoBlocker, because I was a n00b, and cRPG wasn't fun at all because I kept getting owned over and over. Even with Autoblocker, it was still hard. I cannot possibly cheat any further, and I have learned my lesson thoroughly. My punishment was well deserved, and I have been wanting to play ever since I got banned. If it makes things easier, whoever deals with these bans can reset my account, and delete all of my characters/money so I can start off from scratch. I simply do not have the money to re-purchase the game just to play this mod.

Closed Requests / Re: [Unban] PacifisticKiller
« on: April 23, 2012, 03:33:14 am »
There is a steam sale (I believe) the mount and blade series is available for 7.99$.
Yeah, but I already have the game, and if I'm gonna buy it, and play on the mod anyways, I don't get why I just can't unbanned.

Closed Requests / Re: [Unban] PacifisticKiller
« on: April 22, 2012, 09:23:46 pm »
And still this "immature and unhelpful" post is the correct answer :rolleyes:

He won't be unbanned ever.
Getting a new key is the only way to play this mod again.

Well darn.
I don't get why you aren't willing to give me a second chance, when there is no possible way I can cheat ever again.

Closed Requests / [Unban] PacifisticKiller
« on: April 22, 2012, 05:56:59 pm »
Original Unban Request in the Autoblocker Unban Thread-,23841.0.html
I am going to tell the truth, I started using autoblocker since December 30th, but not very often on a day to day basis, I just downloaded it on December 30th.
EDIT: The last time I used it was the exact moment I got disconnected because I got banned.

Meow: Extensive use, permabanned.

Now here is my poem that I have written desperately:

I was banned
Using Autoblocker
A long 3 months,
11 days,
Lost in Davy Jones' Locker

My skill-less spree
Has left me with nothing
But boredness for days
And a need for crushing

What I did
Seems unforgivable
When I look back today
It was quite pitiful

I can tell you now
That I have learned my lesson
Which leaves me to say
I have one final question

Will you let me
Fight again
Fair and Unadulterated?
Or will my soul and my account
Be left- torn, cursed ,and hated?

I beg to you
To give me mercy
If you think
That I am worthy

A second chance
To make things right
Let me
Rejoin the fight

Global / Re: Autoblocker unban thread
« on: January 11, 2012, 04:24:46 am »
I am going to tell the truth, I started using autoblocker since December 30th, but not very often on a day to day basis, I just downloaded it on December 30th.
EDIT: The last time I used it was the exact moment I got disconnected because I got banned.

Meow: Extensive use, permabanned.

I was playing in NA_CRPG_1 around 4:30 today on my account "Deploying_Ladders" and all of the sudden I got disconnected from the server, so I alt-tabbed and my internet was down. After I reset my internet, I rejoined to find that I was banned. I didn't see the ban message (if there is one) so I don't know who banned me or why. I thought of all of the possibilities,excessive high ping, leeching, not having a weapon, or throwing down ladders to get on rooftops. I though a lot about the latter. On my account "Deploying_Ladders" which is the account I made to assist other players (mainly archers) by placing ladders and siege shields on rooftops- and I've never been told by an admin to stop doing so. I've been accused of leeching or not using a weapon many times, but these accusations are false because I do indeed have a Khyber Knife and a Wooden Stick equipped( These weapons should be enough to defend a fair maiden such as myself). I do not leech, I defend the archers on the roof, and I cut down the ladder if any enemies are coming up, the flinging of the ladder is how I've gotten almost all of my kills(except for this one time where I used my Khyber knife to hit some guy off of a cliff). I haven't been playing cRPG for THAT long, so if I did anything to break the rules, I did so unintentionally.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Repair Costs?
« on: January 03, 2012, 03:29:01 am »
This is what's wrong with this game: I had 12k before going on a losing streak, NOW LOOK WHAT I HAVE :mad:

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