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Messages - Brandt

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / Re: Banned for a year?
« on: December 12, 2011, 12:58:56 pm »
Alright, thank's for the reply Mustikki. I will give it a try!

Closed Requests / Re: Banned for a year?
« on: December 09, 2011, 04:54:09 pm »
It's been 2 days, could I please get some feedback? I know you guys read here since some off-topic posts have been deleted.

EDIT: Spelling mistake

Closed Requests / Re: Banned for a year?
« on: December 07, 2011, 11:34:20 am »
OMG until 2015?! Doesn't that sound a little bit unproportional, especially since people on the server where questioning why I was banned?

I have no problem with changing the clantag, but to be honest I have not seen it mentioned anywhere that SS clantags are banned on the server rules and if I remember correctly I have also not seen it anywhere else while installing the mod, but then it might just be me.
Furthermore I made a search on Steam and I got 2753 hits when I typed in SS under groups, might be a good thing to point it our even more that clantags like SS or any other tags that can be viewed offensive are not allowed.

I am not trying to be a wiseass by saying these things, but it get's really frustrating to get attacked in some games for my clantags and my nick, and that was also why I attacked back in an ironical fashion last Saturday. In Poland we have ww2 reenactors that represent different German units among them SS units which often take part during different ww2 celebrations reenacting different battles against polish troops and people don't go all crazy on these people for practising their hobby.
I understand that formations from WW2 do not have anything in common with medieval mods as cRPG, but the clantags are just a leftover from other games that me and my friends play.

By stating that I would like to ask who I should talk to from the higher powers to ask about forgiveness and help to change my nick?

Closed Requests / Banned for a year?
« on: December 06, 2011, 02:52:14 pm »
Hi, I got banned last Saturday since some people(one person?) did not like my clan tags and my nickname which is my real surname. One person even made it their special mission to get me banned as they proclaimed in the game chat because my surname is German, he continuously kept asking me if I was German and saying that he will get me banned. Then as always all chocolate chip cookie accusations started appearing from the same person and I believe his companion.

I am really tired of getting accused of being a chocolate chip cookie and child murderer because our clan has SS in our clan tags... I responded on the same level as the person accusing me of being a murderer by saying that I have a gas chamber in my basement and that I eat babies since I mu be an evil chocolate chip cookie for having SS combined with my German surname. After the ban my friend was still playing on the server and he and an other bunch of random people started defending me and asking why I got banned.

I am sure that all this can be checked in the games chat log, and I think that the the admin that kicked me should try to listen to other people since there was a big bunch of people defending me and asking why I go banned, and for a whole year?

P.S. I am even Polish if it matters, and I am tired of explaining myself to narrow minded people about my clan tags.

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