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Messages - Argo

Pages: [1]
Other / Re: AEF_CRPG_AUS
« on: November 28, 2011, 11:58:40 am »
Miku im (Big_Russian) and me and some of the LPK clan members were having a joke on mumble no one on there server at the time were upset or mad at what we were doing no one came up to us to say they didnt like it. We did not harm anyone else that was not in mumble and in on the joke this is all so silly. Also im sure that you guys say yous will warn us befor someone is baned yous did not do such no admin was on at the time to see what happend. All you did was see a pic and thought it was LPK raging at me witch was not what happen. I had a talk with rosen today i dont know if you know but he said he will talk to you tomorrow about it i told him what went down i know its not up to him but i could not get my mic to work on team speak so i talked to him in steam chat. All i want is to play with my friends miku so can you please un ban them it was only a joke. Im sure if you were having a joke you wouldnt like something dumb and random like a ban happen to you we are all young and just want to have fun no one was mad at it dutchy didnt even say something at the time.

Other / Re: AEF_CRPG_AUS
« on: November 28, 2011, 06:45:00 am »
unban susage fest/groovy im big russian and we were having a ingame joke there was no need for that you should have asked me befor baning them we do like to have fun and play the game to chill out so i would like if they were unbaned

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