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Messages - Sawbone

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Fun game, will be a real spectacle when they add a destructible environment, bring back knockdowns, etc

The grind for your first Mech is a total bummer though, hope they change that (but it did work as intended in the end... paid 15 bucks to get my Catapult asap ;) - but some players might quit before they reach the Mech Lab, which is 50% of the game imho).

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Bastard on a horse
« on: May 10, 2012, 01:32:50 am »
Wow - thanks for the feedback folks.

I'm actually using my brand new MW bastard sword - I've almost always used that weapon and finally loomed it to +3 yesterday!

I'm usually always a footman, right now I'm getting some riding skill to be a god damned horse thief. I don't have the resources to afford the horse upkeep (yeah I'm very bad at managing money). Last gen I had shield skill and never used it.

Here the build i'm planning to try out:

Level 31 (8 892 403 xp)

Strength: 18
Agility: 21

Hit points: 53
Skills to attributes: 6

Power Strike: 6
Athletics: 7
Riding: 6
Weapon Master: 7
Two Handed: 141
Polearm: 112

And yes - Polearm is just for when I'll be stealing a nice one on the field ;)

Otherwise i might just pump everything into 2H - should give 160ish. Still not decided on this.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Bastard on a horse
« on: May 09, 2012, 04:56:02 am »
Thanks very much :)

Beginner's Help and Guides / Bastard on a horse
« on: May 09, 2012, 04:28:04 am »
Yeah my father was the milkman - learned it today.

Other than that, if I use a Heavy bastard sword on a horse (without a shield), will I be using the 1H or 2H skill?


Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Katana build
« on: January 14, 2012, 01:47:46 am »
Katana with a shield. :/

Indeed - not pretty.

General Discussion / Re: Where are the admins on the NA server?
« on: January 13, 2012, 08:54:29 pm »

Kreczor annoys me in-game sometimes - but I'm sure he's a good kid. He's actually accepting part of the blame (a bit awkwardly but still) so that's at least a good step forward.

You guys also need a good massage.


I think Thomek has something here - but if I may suggest a little variation (quite possibly impossible due to the game engine, but we never know): what if the damage of the weapon was scaled according to the part of the polearm that hits?

Meaning: the closer is the hit to the user's grip, the lower the damage. The closest the hit is to the tip of the polearm = damage is increased? Pole stagger severity could also follow this logic.

I do believe calculating range and keeping an adequate distance should be part of a pole-user's concerns. Would be cool to have a mechanic that illustrates this without of course reducing its effectiveness.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Katana build
« on: January 13, 2012, 07:25:40 pm »
Khorin's 2nd build is what i'm using but with HBS.

Nowadays with all the arrows flying around, I'm trying out switching the 3 IF at level 30 to 3 in Shield Skill though: it's to bring a board with me on the battlefield and hopefully have a better survival rate (same can be done with a Katana, but does not look as cool, heheh). I'm not very good, but it's the best build I've used so far, I'm almost on a positive KD ratio at level 25! - I had issues getting that at level 30 previously ;)

This is what it'll look like at level 30:

    Strength: 18
    Agility: 21
    Hit points: 53

    Skills to attributes: 8

    Power Strike: 6
    Shield: 3
    Athletics: 7
    Weapon Master: 7

    Two Handed: 163
I used to use a Katana sometimes, but ended up looming my sweet HBS (cheaper to repair, and very similar in play style from my experience).

PS - Right now, I'm not crying over not having IF - I have a feeling that skill is gimped.


The American election system is a huge problem.  Until that is fixed, the whole system will remain fucked.  Politicians are forced to make corporations happy to get the corporate money, but they need to dangle the social issues in front of the voters to get the votes they need to get into office. 

Corporations are people is the big issue here - that and your weird idea to create superpacs that allows anonymous contributions to campaigners.

Regarding Ron Paul, here's a quick quote from an old Disposible Heroes of Hiphopricy song that explains exactly why he will never fly:

It's the perpetuation of the two party system
where image takes precedence over wisdom
Where sound bite politics are served to the fastfood culture
Where straight teeth in your mouth are more important than the words that come out of it

Not a criticism regarding American politics; canadian politics is twice as fucked up. Okay maybe not twice...

General Discussion / Re: Oh my!
« on: January 11, 2012, 12:33:56 am »
oh sweet :)

Many thanks for this improvement - keep up the good work! Range has lost none of its efficiency, but has now become much more challenging to play I believe. Battlefield awareness is now required on every map.

General Discussion / Re: The state of cRPG
« on: January 10, 2012, 07:19:40 pm »
A bit like Tydeus has suggested: removing the shield skill difficulty could be a start (would help survive the arrow storms). Keep the skill in the game to make it more efficient, but allow anyone to pick up any shield.

I would also suggest something simple that chadz may find more attractive than flat out removing ladders from battle: making them indestructible. This way if you create an access to an unreachable area, that access will remain for the duration of the round.

Small nerf to roof camping without hurting anyone.

Sell/Trade / Re: Selling loompoint right now 540k
« on: January 05, 2012, 10:51:25 pm »
Agreed - sorry about that, next time I will PM (not sure the guy is a scumbag for doing that though).

Sell/Trade / Re: Selling loompoint right now 540k
« on: January 05, 2012, 10:39:27 pm »
There's a HBS selling now for 535k in the market - sold by Giaur

Just purchased that one - sorry for the inconvenience.

Good luck with the loom, it's gonna sell fast i'm sure!


Sell/Trade / Re: Selling loompoint right now 540k
« on: January 05, 2012, 10:31:23 pm »
Well it's a bit turning tables (i mean i'm taking all the risks here), but fair enough.

lemme know when the stick is in the Market ;)

Sell/Trade / Re: Selling loompoint right now 540k
« on: January 05, 2012, 10:21:37 pm »
Hehe - worse thing that can happen is that someone other than me picks it up!

...and I cannot buy it off the Market if i give you the money beforehand, I'm not that rich ;)

How do people usually proceed when selling looms? Any idea?

PS - not joking, still offering 550k

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