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Messages - Tibbert

Pages: [1]
EU (Official) / Re: banned for BANTER
« on: November 08, 2014, 01:10:27 am »
It's not banter
It is, you just cant handle it.

I dont know,maybe because we come from germany and most germans get offended by that rather easily?
Be happy that it was just 7 days,some other guy got perm for GoT spoilers.
Why would you be offended for something you didn't do?

EU (Official) / Re: banned for BANTER
« on: November 08, 2014, 12:10:45 am »
I was there too and you were shittalking me with that stuff and to me that looked pretty serious.
Will add a SS tomorrow/later today.

Also,yes it was a 7 day ban by Erz.
You'r still not allowed to say that, even if no Admin is ingame...?

I told you to stop, and many other players too.

No need for a warning here in my opinion because that was totally inacceptable, saying that is just absurd and imbecil. No, just no..
Why cant you handle the banter, dear fellows?

EU (Official) / Re: banned for BANTER
« on: November 07, 2014, 09:06:39 pm »
Yes I was there, I told you to better shut up or you get banned because Erzengel and Karasu where there. 

As far as I remember you got banned by Erz for 7 days because you repeated many times that "H did nothing wrong".

Seriously dude, this does not need a warning first, the warning was the 7 days ban and that might be a friendly hint to better start using your brain before spamming that into chat.
Nobody told me to shut up or be banned.
Nobody told me there was an admin there. Nobody gave me a warning.
gr8 b8 m8

EU (Official) / banned for BANTER
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:17:18 pm »
Ok m8s so I was banned from the EU servers a few days ago.
Now I understand why, having played m&b for years I know some people can be over-sensitive and not handle the #bantz
So I joined the server and some people were talking about chocolate chip cookies and I said something along the lines of "einstein was right" or "einstein was misunderstood". [edit - why can I not say h.i.t.l.e.r?]
I can understand why I was banned, but I did not persist in this. I received no warning and was immediately banned. Had I received a warning I would have zipped me mouth.
I believe it to be unjust that an upstanding gentleman such as myself was banned immediately. Therefore I request that I may be unbanned, or have at least a temporary ban.
I promise to the most wise and noble admins, that should the ban be lifted, I shall be a good little boy.

The name I was using was The_Down_of_Syndrome. I do not recall the time, however, apologies.

no h8 m8s

Closed Requests / Re: [Unban] Cherilyn
« on: March 22, 2012, 09:30:25 am »
I wasn't leeching,I was actually playing the game...

Closed Requests / [Unban] Cherilyn
« on: March 22, 2012, 12:16:33 am »
I was banned on EU_1 today for no reason.I did have a negative score of -1,but this was an accident.I don't even know why I was banned,and received no warning beforehand,and it wasn't a poll kick.


Thank you.

General Discussion / Download link?
« on: November 27, 2011, 09:14:51 pm »
Hey,I can't find the link to download,everytime I go to the one on the main site it just takes me to the old version.
Does anyone know where to get it?
Nvm found it :3

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