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Messages - Hurlex

Pages: [1]
Faction Halls / Re: CHAOS - War is Hell (NA Faction)
« on: December 03, 2011, 01:58:59 am »
I HurleX would like to join Chaos. Well be Noble on and off the battlefield. Please get back to me

Closed Requests / Re: 3 day ban for revenge TeamWounding!? Please unban.
« on: November 05, 2011, 09:13:52 pm »
I'm happy to remove it as long as you know what you did and why not to in the future.  I apologize if I missed others teamwounding you, I can only act with the evidence I am given.  Just please refrain from revenging TWing in the future.

Thank you, and I apologize for not paying enough attention to the rules. I'll be sure to be more careful in the future, and thank you for giving me another chance. I really appreciate it.

Closed Requests / Re: 3 day ban for revenge TeamWounding!? Please unban.
« on: November 05, 2011, 09:06:16 pm »
I was hitting F12 but I didn't buy the game on Steam and it wasn't taking a screenshot. I know now not to revenge TW, but even so 3 days is harsh. Can I at least get it removed or reduced, with just a warning? This is my first ever offense and I have only had this game for a week or less.

Closed Requests / Re: 3 day ban for revenge TeamWounding!? Please unban.
« on: November 05, 2011, 09:01:13 pm »
As I have said before the people attacked me and I hit them back.

Closed Requests / 3 day ban for revenge TeamWounding!? Please unban.
« on: November 05, 2011, 08:48:59 pm »
Hi. I'm a new player and I came about this game from a friend, so far I enjoyed the game and I really like it. I was playing on NA_CRPG_2 today (the siege server) and I got hit by a couple of people, I believe one was HOC_ something but I can't remember. Anyway I hit a few back (I DID NOT TEAMKILL) so they would leave me alone. I got off the game for a short while, came back and found out that I had been banned! Not only on the Siege server but all the NA servers.

After that I had a friend on the siege server that was awaiting my arrival to the game and I was on skype with him so I told him I got banned. He asked one of the admins (Soth) why I received the ban and how long it was, and Soth replied that "Braeden" had banned me for 3 days for TeamWounding. The only case of teamwounding I could think of was the time I got hit by a group and hit them back so they would leave me alone. The 3 days seems like a very hefty punishment for such a little thing. Especially considering I was unaware that revenge TWing was even against the rules (is it?). Anyway that's about it, the only other time on the server I hit a teammate was when me and TheReverend (forum name vidgamedude) were testing weapon damage on each other, we both consented and are both friends so I don't see how that could be an offense.

I'm kindly asking for this ban to be removed, or even just reduced. Please just read what I have typed and take it into consideration. I think that such a long ban for such a thing as this is unjust and hope that an admin sees this and removes it. Thank you.

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