« on: November 30, 2012, 11:14:00 pm »
thes are the logs of my cRPG Launcher0.8.1:
[23:02:15] Downloading version info
[23:03:40] Connessione sottostante chiusa: Errore imprevisto durante un'operazione di ricezione..(this mean: connection closed: unexpected error during reciving operation)
[23:03:40] Impossibile leggere dati dalla connessione del trasporto: Connessione in corso interrotta forzatamente dall'host remoto.(this mean: unable to read data from the connection: an existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host)
[23:03:40] Connessione in corso interrotta forzatamente dall'host remoto (this mean:an existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host)
[23:03:40] Failed to download version info, turning system proxy on
[23:03:40] Downloading version info
[23:05:04] Connessione sottostante chiusa: Errore imprevisto durante un'operazione di ricezione.. (this mean: connection closed: unexpected error during reciving operation)
[23:05:04] Impossibile leggere dati dalla connessione del trasporto: Connessione in corso interrotta forzatamente dall'host remoto. (this mean: unable to read data from the connection: an existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host)
[23:05:04] Connessione in corso interrotta forzatamente dall'host remoto (this mean: an existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host)
[23:05:04] Update failed
After that the game starts but the entire operation take a few minutes.