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Messages - Goralion

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Fix List v210
« on: January 13, 2011, 01:11:45 pm »
- restore increase in req for heirloomed weapons, removing it greatly benefits one class(archers) while on other it has no impact

? It does not benefit to a class more than another one...

General Discussion / Re: Fix List v210
« on: January 12, 2011, 01:01:11 pm »
Don't know if it has already told, but there is a problem with interrupts and throwing : if I hold up my shield (so, I'm not throwing), I still get interrupted several times and my char drops his guard.
Not sure if this is a glitch or if it is intended to work that way for all shielders though.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Attempt to balance cavalry overall
« on: January 11, 2011, 11:24:22 am »
"Lowered HP for Light Horses?
    Maybe you haven't noticed but any horse under Destrier (~90 hitpoints) dies in:

    2 Francisca's [Too much]
    2 Light crossbow bolts [Too much]
    2 - 3 Arrows [Too much]
    1 Jarid
    1 Throwing lance
    1 Heavy crossbow bolt

    Every other player now has ranged. x50 - 60 players you have a shitstorm flying your way every time they see you. 


How can you say that light horses should be OS by all ranged weapons ? You KNOW it would be unplayable. This is a non-sense. Every time a cav strikes the ennemy team, he gets out with at least 1 arrow in his horse, if he does not die.

"Zero Tolerance for Mistakes?
    Cavalry build relies on his horse as his primary weapon. There is already no tolerance for any mistake, if you get close to the enemy crowd and they see you == death. 1 Projectile hits your horse and that's it. There is no tolerance for any mistakes, please try playing cav sometime.

I AM cavalry myself  :rolleyes:"

The fact that you play cav is no more a point in your favour. You play cav only to legitimate your nerfing suggestions ; I don't think you enjoy playng cav. You are way too subjective when talking about horses.

"Well, they aren't supposed to be the battering rams any more. They have to rely on the infantry to disctract the enemy, and then pick out single enemies from the duels everywhere. Already now this is the best use for cavalry, anyway!"

I suppose you are talking about light cav. Heavy cav's job is to open ennemy lines for their infantry to rush in. So yes, they are supposed to be battering rams.

Sorry for the crapy quotes, I need to get used to the new quote system...

But well, my point is that cav is already fine as it is. It has been nerfed enough.

Announcements / Re: more chadzhate incoming - heirloom theft
« on: January 10, 2011, 07:34:07 pm »
Aww cwap. My balanced nordic sword. :cry:

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Attempt to balance cavalry overall
« on: January 10, 2011, 07:18:10 pm »
The horses doesn't have to be nerfed, especially nowadays as there are less armoured horses than before the patch (haven't seen any plated charger since the patch).
With my archer alt, I'm still able to nearly one shot any non-armoured horses with an arrow right in the head.

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