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Messages - Majer

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General Off Topic / Re: any company of heroes players here?
« on: February 10, 2012, 10:18:17 pm »
Played some COH and expansions except crappy Tales of Valor. Lost interest in CoH:Online due having awesome mods to play with friends. "Battle of Bulge" and some other quite realism-oriented conversions. But recently steam had sale for DoW2:Retribution, and being experienced with previous Dawn of War games I couldn't say no and I am glad I didn't.

Side note: THQ real time strategy games are IMHO superior to overrated Blizzard action-arcade with retarded unit AI. Although having own issues, most coming from game complexity.

General Off Topic / Re: War of the Roses
« on: January 23, 2012, 10:13:46 pm »
I wonder if in like 10 years we will have battles with 2500 players involved.

General Off Topic / Re: Defend the Walls!!!!!!
« on: January 23, 2012, 10:12:22 pm »
Why there is fire scattered around after the battle. I never understood the concept of having dirt on fire.

General Off Topic / Re: Fallout 4
« on: January 19, 2012, 03:54:14 pm »
I'm not into Oblivion.

General Off Topic / Re: Rate the song above you!
« on: January 16, 2012, 04:50:15 pm »
Lacking invention hipster-mummers music. I kinda like video though.

And now, for something completely different...

Amusing love song with poetic lyrics.

(click to show/hide)

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Let's take a moment and LOL together.
« on: January 16, 2012, 05:26:32 am »
It's not like we all fight them at once. We actually form and wait in lines to beat up their arses. I cried for a month when I've lost my block ticket coupon with 30 battle passes.
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General Discussion / Re: Questions from Greys
« on: January 08, 2012, 07:44:53 pm »
You make everything worse  :rolleyes:
No it's community being retarded as always.

Majer, it's nice to see how you try to defend your clan, it's a sign of loyalty, but you are doing it completely wrong.
Oh how comes? What other possibilities do I have? Eating all the shit that is flying at my direction?

I would like to remind you that I've been very silent at forums because I didn't give a damn. And what did emerged from this? Dirtbags roaming on forums telling lies and shit about our clan all the time to the extend that everyone believes so. Even administrators!
We've got bad name not because of our doings, but the rant on forums that goes on and on forever whether we do confront that rant or not.
If I deny cheating - guilty, If I do not say nothing in defence - also guilty. What can I do, admit that my clan does things that does not? Yes that will help!

All we did is stacking teams on server and here on forums it seems that all evil on the world is our doing. Oh and personally In terms of moral I do not find that "abuse" anyhow offensive. It is just "against game mechanics". Unintended game mechanics. If people get banned for that - fair enough. It's silly though that it does only apply to Greys. If randoms do want to play amongst our members they can abuse that freely because no one cares, as long as they're not part of Grey Order war machine.

I don't think this can be called "defending". It's rather confirming the community in their prejudice.
WHAT DID I CONFIRM YOU MUPPET? Do you have any reasoning capabilities?

If someone accuses you of something, it is a BAD idea to get in rage yourself, starting to offend others and call them liars back, as it doesn't help you to appear trustworthy, unbiased and resonable. (Which is an important condition to "win" a discussion.)
I do not want to win any discussion. I want to stop reading that bullshit about me and my other mates on very unbiased enviroment. It is also not raging to call Oberyn a cunt a liar if he simply is lying or forwarding a lie.

All I'm going to say here. Quit it, it is better for your clan
Nothing is better for my clan if everyone is hostile by default. Like I said, Harpag didn't have a custom to confront peasant talk. It grew to that extend that everyone outside Grey Order believes everything told on this forums about us, and mostly it is a crap talk.

There is no doubt about it that the clan policy has something to do with your bad image.
Obviously you do not care if your members ignore rules which ends in a lot of them doing so.
Obviously You have no idea, and no, not a lot of them. Knowing how big this clan is compared to others I would even say that we're one of fewest number of bug abusers in cRPG if any.
Our only "sin" is again switching teams for preference, and any other issues are subject of individuals not related to clan policy whatsoever, and not existing outside these forums.

Don't reaccept people that had their old accounts banned for account hacking or autoblocking.
Had we any? Or are we regular-basis cheaters now?

The right thing to do would be to show how your clan changed, and how mature and resonable you all are. In this case, attacking is NOT the best defence. That's where you fail, and I dare to say that your rage post as answer to Oberyn's accusation did its part to escalate the discussion here.
Oh, and everyone else can attack Grey Order with blows under the belt without any hestiation? I am not a fucking Jesus to provide second cheek to get bruised. I would like to remind you that constant accusation of greys wrong doings without any evidence is the reason I ever bothered answering this. Who is attacker? The one man with shield or reckless mob?

STILL they have a right to have higher multipliers than x1, only because they give you someone to play with on the servers.
No. They have the right to EARN for a bigger multiplier. Even Greys get beaten sometimes by randoms. It happens. Often on the opposite side they've got a quality force like HRE. If they want to have better odds for winning, they should join a strong clan or form an alliance instead of roaming pointlessly on the server. That is the cRPG mod not carebear kinder-garden.

Did it ever come to your mind to think of an alternative to the banner balance system (...)
Seriously you think we didn't? How naive can you be? The response is that nothing has changed and it was suggested ages ago.

I'll try to not talk about this subject any more because it is exhausting and probably won't change anything.

To summarize - I am disgusted by the way this community talks about GreyOrder, accusing of everything bad that can happen in the game or around it. From small things like dick moves Lactose mentioned, trough multiplying accounts ending on say that we use autoblocking software and any cheating crap. It is pain to see this show regularly without even hint of being valid, yet treated as the only truth available.

I am not a clan leader not even a some kind representative, but as a regular honest member I'm sick of bullshit you people write about me and others. I'm glad most of us do not read these forums and not speak english at all - at least their level of annoyance normal.

General Discussion / Re: Questions from Greys
« on: January 08, 2012, 06:18:45 pm »
1. We know that Grey Order (or at least a couple of people of them) abused many many many things in this game, nothing to argue about. Majer you do your clan no good by denying everything here and calling people liars ;)
Our clan is big, thus having extraordinary good and sometimes rotten apples. Yet despite marginal individuals, who do not spoil the fun, as for clan doings and planned actions we did none of things other than playing together in one team. And this is main reason of overall butthurt on forums.

And when someone lies like Oberyn about Harpag controlling whole factions trough strategus I will call them liars because that's logical and simple.
I didn't deny that Harpag had account data of our members, yet he hadn't perform anything you would call cheating or abusing in that area.

2. As far as I know some of these abusers have left them or were kicked out of the clan due to that and the abuse is gone mostly. Happens sometimes still, but most of the time they behave on servers.
Like I said, this is a big clan. I cannot relate to the personal issues but blaming clan policy about any of that is just stupid. We do well to maintain our ranks solid without people throwing shit at all of us constantly.

After this thread i vote everyone going to EU1 with grey's banner at peak hours!
Like it never happens when we join server...

Don't pull crap for a year and see how that works out.
We were blamed for everything long before team stacking became a problem. What does guarantee that it won't happen again? If we keep winning rounds everyone will keep looking on our hands and seek for any reason to get us banned. What we would need to do is to disappear for a year. Disband a clan so we won't be a treat on Strategus and randoms would never need to struggle on server for a multiplier.

General Discussion / Re: Questions from Greys
« on: January 08, 2012, 06:01:12 pm »
Yeah, also you had a team speak motd saying that everyone needs to supply their account data to him...
That was WAY after the incident with the 100 accounts and at that time everyone of you already knew that it was against the rules.
That also caused this post:,14919.0.html
Firstly we do not use TS MOTD method and never did. We use channel descriptions and clan forum notices. Forum notices was AFAIK taken down instantly and about channel descriptions on TS - well last time it was online we stil had info about upcoming attack on the first strategus castle. Thing that happened months before.
Anyway I strongly believe that anyone who was about to provide those login informations provided it already, and any further data was discarded. Maybe that's because after that "100 accounts incident" nothing ever happen later on.
Quick question - did devs/admins notice any "mass" actions in terms of strategus gameplay like trading or moving troops? Oh they didn't. Maybe because there we none.
All Harpag did is logged in, once. Didn't perform any tasks. It's like If I had an account on steam, let my friend log in on that platfrom to show him what games I have available, and thus get banned for piracy even he did not played or download any of those games I had bound to my account.

So stop calling it lies and all when it is more than clear that your clan is used to breaking rules for an unfair advantage.
It is still a lie to tell that Harpag does all the strategus work. All he did is logged in. Once. And nothing else.
And you exaggerating is beyond help. It's like me calling you a rapist because I know you watched bondage porn.

Getting rid of that reputation is way harder than getting it.
Making posts here just denying it all will not change that.
I wouldn't mind if we did earn that bad reputation that I am trying to get rid off. But most of it is just speculation of some third party assholes who have nothing to do with Grey Order.

I see a lot of very fair and nice members of your clan these days, they help people if they screw up on the market by snatching the items and returning them and being helpful overall.
That is the right attitude.
But it won't stop us being called cheaters, won't it? Even we're not?

@Zotte I have no idea what are you talking about. Maybe Harpag did receive permission or something like that. After all he needs to discuss things with other members. Maybe because he does not control our accounts?

General Discussion / Re: Questions from Greys
« on: January 08, 2012, 05:47:14 pm »
1.: Stop trying to make fun of Lactose killing several enemies, this was not the key part of his statement and thus ridiculing it won't help you anything.
Sorry, but that just cries for itself.

2.: If you see three random noobs standing around, you can assume that every one of them is only playing for himself, but with three clan players you can assume they are following a plan. Or would you say your three clan mates standing around are no different from three noobs standing around, with exception of having the same banner/tag? Are you saying you have noobs in your clan that stand around and do nothing instead of taking the flag?
I am saying that I do not know what they were doing as well as Lactose or You.

3.: I see no reason why one shouldn't believe lactose. It makes perfectly sense for the smaller group of clanplayers to let the bigger group of clanplayers win, if they are asked for it over teamspeak. This is not cheating, but it's a dick move. And never mind how much you hook up on his statement that he killed several enemies, if they were really standing around  - and you can see this very well in a fight, if you turn around for a second, twice or more - and there WERE more Greys on the other team, I think the evidence is clear.
If we did such dick moves we wouldn't be making such a fuss about playing in one team. Also that reminds me that our teamspeak is dead for over a week. Anyhow this is not evidence, this is conjecture, a guesswork. From what had been said I can tell same and say that they had a plan to push enemies back and sadly Lactose wasn't a part of that plan and that's why he died lone.

General Discussion / Re: Questions from Greys
« on: January 08, 2012, 05:32:43 pm »
You absolutely ignore the fact that you are not alone on the servers. Other people want to play, too, and if you Greys are so skilled, and you all join one team, the one team should win all the time, am I right? How can this be fair?
Other people can play, no one from us prohibits so. And Yes. I am very sorry but I think that this is fair that the better team wins. If we want to play together and we win all the time, there is a simple solution for the opponents: play better and start winning so we do not win anymore. That is pretty fair to me.
Also I think, in contrary, that it isn't fair that you end up playing against your clan mates only because you were playing good.

Fair teams is MORE important than clan players playing together.
There is a difference between FAIR and BALANCED. BALANCED is maybe more thrilling, yet there will never be a perfect balance, as there will never be a draw on siege.
To me it is more important to play WITH MY FRIENDS ON TEAMSPEAK than with random dudes who don't give shit about me and my doings. Like I said I don't even bother that much about multiplier as much as being with my clan mates. I would rather be loosing with them alongside than winning against them and having constant 5 times multiplier.
Yet I believe that this is fair if we, by playing good earn that multiplier. This is after all a reward and a fair one.

Any more "fairtalk" from you?

General Discussion / Re: Questions from Greys
« on: January 08, 2012, 05:23:32 pm »
Lactose sorry for nickname alternation. I guess there are too many lizards on-line.

Osiris. Like It was explained. Yes, we all once provided account data information to our leader. We were making a this plan for summer was coming. In case of holiday absence. Admins did not like that and thus Harpag deleted all that account data at once. Even so he had our login information for a short while, it doesn't mean that any strategus actions gameplay-wise were taken. NONE to be clear. Just validated and left.

General Discussion / Re: Questions from Greys
« on: January 08, 2012, 05:01:02 pm »
How can I answer to that crap in any other way? People throw shit at me, and what I am supposed to do?

The only thing we did and it is against the rules is finding the way to play together. Here being known as "abusing team balance system". And that is only a response to many taking our banners by purpose and thus making system impossible to balance teams by banners. Also I think that this is retarded that our men are being punished by admins only for willing to play with not against clan mates. Unless there are free slots on the server I see nothing wrong by sitting on the spectator. Whether it's first or every round. Anyone can join after all.

We did not dupe heirloom items like others, we did not abuse fact of getting equipment on strategus by a bug, nor use auto-blocking scripts nor leech xp. Yet no one is talking about that only because it has nothing to do with Greys. If it was otherwise, the forum would be dominated by posts of how evil we are and that we should be banned already. All of us.

I'm in GO for a longer while and I do not see any reasonable motive to blame us every time for everything. People throw shit at us and accuse of things that are not true. This is pathetic and since there is no personal issues there is reason why people hate us: THEY ARE JEALOUS OR RETARDED. Because somewhat there is coincidence with amount of rant on us, and amount of rounds won on the server. Thereby I am very sorry for playing good and winning rounds on siege server with my clan-mates.

I've read so much about what my clan did bad and knowing it being lies I can guess many old lies had become myths, and myths somehow are treated here as history. Again, what I am supposed to do with those lies I hear? I can deny it once, twice, yet it is getting annoying, when everyone can accuse you of anything and they don't even bother having proof or even considering it not true, and others think that these accusations are true by default. Why? Because facts are basic: If I weren't here to answer people who did read this topic would also believe form now on that Harpag controls every Grey character on Strategus.

Meow, even IF Greys did something bad, does it mean that Oberyn can insinuate that we are using multiple accounts while we are not? What bad things did my clan, so everyone can say whatever they want about us without worrying about any consequences? Not that I want to have him punished anyhow - just got sick of that and wondering if they'll ever spare us and cut off that crap.

Lacoste I did understand you perfectly. You were fighting like a godsent, defeating hordes of enemies, random ones, Grey ones, every ones! Yet when you fell (how that could happen?!) You've noticed our evil creatures that were watching you die. I am still amazed by your skills to judge everyone in every situation while on killing rampage. Yet you can. You can see their dicnkess, you can count them, you can clearly know what they were upto whole time. Nevertheless you do not understand one thing - things you think you saw, and things that happened. You weren't them, you didn't know what they are upto. Why you're so certain they were letting enemies win? Oh you weren't you've just posted on forums that 3 Greys are being dicks and they're "directing" battle outcome even so you have no idea what they were doing. I ask you, if there were 3 random dudes would you bother posting it on forums? I doubt so. You would just call them noobs and move on. Yet when it comes to Grey everyone seems some mysterious conspiracy. They could be just rallying, but no! It has to be one of their dick moves! That's reason why Almighty Lacoste dies defending! It would never happen if it wasn't of Grey.

General Discussion / Re: Questions from Greys
« on: January 08, 2012, 03:27:30 pm »
Harpag controlled no one by his character. We do not abuse multiple accounts on strategus and you should cut your filthy lying tongue of yours.
Yes, there was a moment he had account data of fellow members yet it was explained for what purpose and that data was never used. In fact this database doesn't exist so stop insinuating that it is otherwise. Our Strategus doings were and are totally legit.

General Discussion / Re: Questions from Greys
« on: January 08, 2012, 03:16:16 pm »
Oberyn, can you eat shit on behalf of your mother? She had risen some quality dick and sadly retarded one.

For fucking sake. What's wrong with you guys? Did GO rape your sorry arses recently or what? All the time provocations for what purpose?
And someone might actually think that Oberyn is talking on behalf of someone from us.

There's a reason why we achieved so much - we've got good cooperation, great leaders, many members and quality ones.
You can blame us cheating whole day but you know it is not true, we know it is not true and hopefully everyone reasonable does so.
Now grab your complexes and run to your cave.

Lacoste if you "cant believe" it why do you brag it out. Yes, pretty amusing story of how Almighty Lacoste The Hero alone defeats dozen enemies while useless Greys stand still. That clearly bring the conclusion that they must be cheating somehow and the easiest explanation is that there are some Greys on the second team. What next? They did teamwounded me, but it would show up on the server logs, so all they do is stare, but men! Did you see that stare! That look was game-breaking! I tell you men, they had this stare! I couldn't do shit because of that cheating eyes of Grey! I tell you men! That stare! I tell you!
Still. Astonishing observation skills while in battle amok.

Now it's like whatever we do, or do not it's always about searching for an reason to blame us something. It's like we're guilty by default and need to constantly prove otherwise because those accusations always make bad name of my clan. I'm tired already of this, and didn't even started.

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