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Messages - Econixx

Pages: [1]
Global / Re: Autoblocker unban thread
« on: September 20, 2012, 12:34:30 am »
So it has been nearly a year since I last played CRPG, I don't remember if I had posted before to try to unban so I apologize if this is an inconvenience and waste of your time if I had. I know I had used the autoblocker although I only got online on weekends only so I know I had it on my computer for about 2 weeks but used it probably 4 times possibly 5. I do regret it entirely, and I do understand the seriousness of cheating. I actually reformatted my entire HDD after that point to make sure it was completely deleted. But since then I have bought a new computer so there is no way it could possibly be on anymore. I hated the fact that I had used it because it was a waste, I have 10x more fun playing mount and blade with using natural skill instead of a program, I was new to mount and blade at the time so I didnt have that much. But since then I have played native and what not and have become pretty amazing. Hopefully you guys can put into consideration how long I have been banned and can be the happiest person in the world if I got unbanned. I hope you all have a nice day. If I do get unbanned I am kind of low on money but I will definately donate as much as I can to help you guys out.

                    Thank you very much for taking your time to read this, I understand how stressful it may be at times so I really do appreciate it.

Nessaj: No unban.

Closed Requests / Re: Unban Request From Econixx
« on: January 10, 2012, 04:18:05 am »
A couple= 2 or possibly more. Can you please give me a chance to get unbanned? Obviously I'm not going to just buy another key for like 25$ or however much it is. and if you see my kills and deaths you can see obviously I didnt use it very much cause my K/D Ratio is terrible. I can do anything for a punishment, make you a new map, Delete my characters, anything really. I'm good at scripting and making maps for Mount and Blade. I'm developing my own MOD for M&B so if anything i can help out. If you see into it that I really didn't mean to do anything wrong, i literally just tested the hack barely used it at all if ever after 1st try because it wouldnt work.

Closed Requests / Unban Request From Econixx
« on: January 09, 2012, 05:15:26 am »
I understand I was banned from the C-RPG servers because of auto-blocking hack, although I think in some way it is pretty funny I got banned for such a useless hack. It hardly worked and was extremely glitchy. Anyway, I wish to apologize for that I usually don't go looking around for hacks but at the time when I started playing C-RPG I was curious because there was so many people who would effortlessly block. I myself noticed this to be a hack by the way all of them wouldn't turn to block and would stand there and block away. So then I found it on one of the clans for C-RPG's forum page. Odd I know, So i gave it a shot. Now I haven't played in awhile cause of how devastating it is to get banned, so I cannot tell you the exact dates to which I used the hack, but I only used it a couple times because I noticed that you cant chamber someone very easily with it on and I love chambering so I didn't really use it. Horrible hack, definitely not worth using to get banned from the best mod for Mount and Blade. But what can you do right? You ask for it when you play unfair. I hope you understand and will consider unbanning me. I have definitely learned not to do that Ever again. Anyway, love you all. Hope to be able to play again.
I'm not entirely sure if you need my character's names but they are:
Rage_Warlord_Econixx, Rage_Warlord_Econix, Arleth.

Thank you for taking your time to read this :).

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