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Messages - MrRicky

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Suggestions Corner / Mortal Kombat Death X-Ray that is all.
« on: April 03, 2013, 02:04:04 am »
If you have played the latest mortal kombat you will know what I mean and If possible...... THIS NEEDS TO BE ADDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If possible Of course.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Two people riding the same horse
« on: April 01, 2013, 02:59:41 pm »
This is what I imagined it would come up like if the passenger couldn't attack

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Suggestions Corner / Add In charge!!
« on: April 01, 2013, 02:56:06 pm »
Yeah I was wondering if it were possible to add in a charging ability?
As in a bit like the couching for a lance you press x and you run twice the speed but almost like uncontrollable so if you pick a direction you stick to it unless knockover etc, And I was also thinking that coming into contact with a person or horse you do twice as much damage and the ability is only limited to weapons with a thrust or just 2h or polearm? dunno just an idea because I think it would be really awesome especially if it were possible? thanks.

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Suggestions Corner / Re: Add Crocodile pits to siege!
« on: March 30, 2013, 06:19:06 pm »
serious balance issue, fix please

oh it looked french, and how is it a balance issue?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Add Crocodile pits to siege!
« on: March 28, 2013, 11:17:13 pm »
srs baalnce ishu ficks plz

I don't speak french??

Suggestions Corner / Add Crocodile pits to siege!
« on: March 28, 2013, 10:57:27 pm »
I notice the new siege beta, yeah its cool and I see the ballista added but all I think is cool its an oversize crossbow nothing special but what if you were to take it a bit further? oh I don't know lets say....................A MOTHA FUCKA CROCODILE PIT!?!??!??!?!?!?

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                                                                  HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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But yeah like on a few siege points you are casually strolling a suddenly BAM!  just an idea for a set trap is all as I still find Siege boring as hell!

    Not just a clan... But a way of life... - IGN

    Yes the Rumors are true
    Impresionante Salsa is now looking to expand the culture of the amazing sauce onto the fellow players of CRPG.... DO YOU have what it takes to grab live by the salsa?

    What this be about Homie Dip?

    Well we are a Two man group so far!! look us up holmes! but we are currently seeking out these new members to fight in the name of all things puree. but a small community at the moment expanding by the Liquid, we love to start socialistic rants about how 'Better' of a name Salsa is then any of those other Non-Believing clans!  and associate all matters with cleverly formulated puns.

    Our honorary Unmasked banner till we make a new one!
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    What Equipment shall I use, King salsa?
    Glad you asked!! Well since we are honoring the Gods All weapons will have to be Blunt Weaponry (that were used to crush tomatoes to a pulp) And all else is well just Gosh darn spicy!

    Any ranking system that would be hot sauce.
    Good question. Since we dedicate our time on praising the one dip that glorified the world, One rule is that we expect all new members to refer themselves as Little Dip and then the list goes something like this
    (click to show/hide)

    And what about Strategus!??!?!? 

    Well Eventhough strategus is so goddamn awful I decided to add in Salsa's accomplishment in this poor excuse of what "chadz Creates" when all the major pornsites are down.
    (click to show/hide)

    And yeah anymore questions come PM me.... Salsa me crazy.

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    Suggestions Corner / Re: Add the Kpinga!!!
    « on: March 08, 2013, 04:26:01 pm »
    If you followed Deadliest Warrior on TV... YIM YIM!

     the top blade is specifically made and meant to look like the male genitalia.

    Ok... Thats ruined it for me.....

    Suggestions Corner / Add the Kpinga!!!
    « on: March 05, 2013, 12:35:33 pm »

    The Kpinga (also called the Hunga Munga) was a bladed throwing knife used by the Azande of Nubia. It had three different shaped blades. They were classed as "Court Metal", being produced under the patronage of the powerful Avongara clan, and distributed only to professional warriors     

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    Look how freaking amazing this looks add it in IMO!!!!!!!

    Strategus General Discussion / Re: How do I join strat battles?
    « on: February 06, 2013, 11:02:39 pm »
    If u apply, the checked battle turns brown, if u are accepted it turns green.

    Also don`t forget to check Briefing and the papyrus icon for ts and other information regarding the battle.

    Kay thanks babe!!!

    Strategus General Discussion / Re: How do I join strat battles?
    « on: February 06, 2013, 10:40:04 pm »
    Thanks Panos much love! <3

    ALSO how do I know if i have applied? as in for example: I clicked Apply but it just goes back to the battle screen does that mean It has been sent through?

    Strategus General Discussion / How do I join strat battles?
    « on: February 06, 2013, 10:28:28 pm »
    Hey yeah I have no idea how to join a strat battle so if somebody could direct me to the topic or something that would be super thanks ;)

    Buy one of my offers.

    lol what do you mean by that, is it greek slang for something? ;)

    Sign me up bring it bitches i be packing heat!   ;)

    General Discussion / Re: Can you couch on foot?
    « on: January 04, 2013, 11:24:07 pm »
    I've wondered that since i started playing Warband 2010. Sadly i've never tried to hax my Ath stats and Agi in Warband SP to try it out.

    Imagine though STF chars who could couch on foot. GET FUCK'd ARCHERS!

    Tbh that is what i was planning to do if it was possible haha!

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