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Messages - LtVos

Pages: [1]
Announcements / Re: Stronghold Test today on Eu4
« on: October 09, 2011, 07:34:27 pm »
9th october: I am very annoyed with the admins and the availabiltity to test this gamemode, i joined the server which was then passworded, i asked (politely) what the password was as i lose connection a lot, for this i was kicked i dont know who the admin was but he wouldnt even tell me the forum page for the password, all i wanted to do was help test the game mode please improve you admins and if i see his name again(i cant remeber) i will post it on here, please school him in being a nice person or just get rid of his admin powers.. i would gladly leave the server if i was not supposed to be there but a kick without any explaination and no way of getting the password is just bad. people say the crpg is bad...please try to change that by not getting admins who are complete assholes
ps. sorry for language at the end but come on woudlnt you be annoyed?

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