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Messages - King_Midas

Pages: [1]
EU (Official) / Re: Ban/Punish Takeshi_Bamba
« on: March 26, 2014, 08:15:24 pm »
Excuse me? I don't recall taking part in any of the trolling, what I have said has been true, and any of the trolling I par took ingame I would like to see on a screenshot before you make claims. I will admit I tried to kick smoliv one of my clan mates, because he was tking me. However I have no proof of this myself.

EU (Official) / Re: Ban/Punish Takeshi_Bamba
« on: March 26, 2014, 07:05:40 pm »
Doesn't change the fact that you chose to do it!

EU (Official) / Re: Ban/Punish Takeshi_Bamba
« on: March 26, 2014, 07:03:30 pm »
Okay, I am not greek but I think this is slightly racist, I feel like he is definatly trolling. I just recently joined this clan but they are setting me up in everyturn...

EU (Official) / Re: Ban/Punish Takeshi_Bamba
« on: March 26, 2014, 06:59:14 pm »
No, I told you to kick smoliv because he teamkilled twice on purpose. Being the lad that you are you managed to poll the wrong person it probably wasn't even a accident.

Closed Requests / Re: BAN King_Midas
« on: July 11, 2013, 04:37:00 pm »
Oh and for the record, I called you byzamy old friends once, that is not all the time mind you. All I say is "down with byzantines up with panos" most of the time, which I do with a lot of other things as well. you should lighten up it's the internet stop taking things so personally.

Closed Requests / Re: BAN King_Midas
« on: July 11, 2013, 04:33:40 pm »
If I would get so quickly butt hurt as you I would have a entire wall of screenies to take of your friend whatever his name is red war insulting my mother, which I would consider shit talking. this is the very reason why I am shit talking about the byzantines, And in that case we might as well ban the entire community now for saying stuff like "my old friendcher" and other class oriented insults.

Best regards

now where is the fun :D  you got to admit its pretty funny XD

well i am told it was him i kicked down :D suddenly everything got so much clearer that it is 6d :D  (I Regret nothing!!! :D) i should get a achievement for it :D

xD now that had to be funny you kick him down and get kicked like almost instantly :D

Faction Halls / Re: The Fallen Brigade
« on: October 08, 2011, 01:09:03 pm »
I am King Midas And i wish to join the fallen i respect this faction more then others and i wish to join. my ingame name is King_Midas i wish that you accept my request.

Xd prove i learned from my mistakes though :D its tempting indeed there should be a rule against standing at edges :D:D:D

Well i guess its a good lesson to not do it again... :D

Well, i was playing on the siege battle on thursday and i got banned(rightly banned ofcourse). I feel very bad about what i did there was this guy standing on the tower right by the corner of it and i just couldn't resist but to kick him off,and i am here to apoligize about it i have no idea who it was but whoever it was i am sorry.

The only thing i was wondering is how long am i banned Etc. or is it a perm. anyhow if it is i deserved it but this is just a request i will never do it again,so could you show mercy on this poor soul.

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