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Messages - jschliebe

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Beginner's Help and Guides / VPS & Dedicated servers
« on: September 25, 2011, 10:19:01 pm »
Hi all
I currently am renting a VPS, or virtual private server, and have the ability to host multiple servers and am currently working on doing so but am running into a bit of a snaggle if you will, I currently host the PW public server and am trying to get the cRPG server setup but, that is where the fun stops and the trouble begins, as For the PW server, everything is running smooth, the ports are open and there have been people rp to their hearts content, but as for the cRPG server, its up and running the ports are open, UDP of course, but its not showing up for anyone on the server list, so im wondering if its the problem of multiple warband servers from the same IP or something with the ports, or if i should just try a fresh install of the cRPG mod itself as i am running both of them out of the same folder as i have heard many people do without a problem, any help anyone can provide would be great, thank you.

-e3gaming staff, Jschliebe

I posted this same info on the taleworlds support forums and their suggestions turned out not to work as well as i can host an minecraft server while hosting a PW server, so its not the IP or ports, you can read what was written here:

Thank you.

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