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Messages - vgamedude

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Closed Requests / Re: NA_CRPG_1 Poll abuse
« on: March 04, 2012, 01:09:35 am »
Riding around shooting people isn't delaying, but it is annoying as hell, and more boring than the game need be made for other players, the server majority. If they decide to poll kick more power to them, I say that as a player who has often been the last alive as my horse crossbow.

Also, this is especially annoying when the server pop is low to begin with and is only going to serve to lower the population even further, you must know that.
So it's low pop which means my team dies off in like a minute and I'm the only person left, so you're saying I just have to give up then and not even try to play simply because some people dislike it? That's not fair at all. I can't help it that the class is annoying to some, and it's in the game, so they just have to deal with it. In no way is it my fault that they are mad because they don't like the class.

By the way Tank. I DID TRY AND FIGHT! You're lying! I was riding and shooting not just running. Also I was freaking level 11.

Closed Requests / Re: NA_CRPG_1 Poll abuse
« on: March 04, 2012, 12:57:29 am »
You were not even fighting vgame. Sorry, but you're in the wrong. You were riding around doing nothing on your horse therefore delaying AND leeching. Otherwise, you would not have been kicked by members comprised up of entirely different factions.
There was Kutt members and then one hospitaller, big deal. Also yes I was fighting, I was shooting at Hurlex the whole time, which is why when I said fine I'll let you kill me, Hurlex killed me right afterwards.

Closed Requests / Re: NA_CRPG_1 Poll abuse
« on: March 04, 2012, 12:51:18 am »
I didn't ban you, I voted no on your ban so GG there. Let me show you where I highlighted your logs to show you when you agreed to not stop delaying.

It wasn't until after you were threatened with a Poll Kick that you stopped. If that hadn't happened, you would have kept going.
You're damn right I would have kept going, simply me riding around and shooting IS NOT DELAYING how many times do I have to say it? I did nothing to warrant a ban and this is blatant poll abuse.

Closed Requests / Re: NA_CRPG_1 Poll abuse
« on: March 04, 2012, 12:47:51 am »
The logs also show you agreeing to not stop delaying and your teammate openly harassing other players.
No you are wrong the logs show me letting myself die the first time and me saying not to stop fighting the second time. IF I'm RIDING AND SHOOTING that's not delaying, and when I said that I meant I wouldn't let you all kill me without a fight the second time. ALSO when you banned me it was 2 on 2.

Closed Requests / Re: NA_CRPG_1 Poll abuse
« on: March 04, 2012, 12:44:14 am »
I did not submit the poll until you said you were going to keep running. THe first round you got off the horse after delaying for an acceptable ammount of time. It was annoying but I wasn't gonna submit a poll. After Tanken trash talked you a bit, then you said you were going to keep running, and that is when I submitted the poll. To me that is admitting you are going to keep delaying.
You do realize the logs I linked show that 2 polls were submitted? The logs show everything.

Closed Requests / Re: NA_CRPG_1 Poll abuse
« on: March 04, 2012, 12:34:41 am »
The difference is, they actually fight. He ran around for 2 minutes at least and then said he wasn't going to stop doing it.
No I was not running around for 2 minutes at least! Far less than that! You're exaggerating so much. Also when by threaten I meant pull up a ban poll, which you did. There was no way I should have got poll banned for this I did no delaying and I was riding and shooting. Why do you think when I said "fine I'll just let you kill me then" or whatever I died only a few seconds after! It's because I was right next to an enemy. I was not delaying.

Closed Requests / Re: NA_CRPG_1 Poll abuse
« on: March 04, 2012, 12:25:46 am »
You were asked to get off your horse and stop delaying for more than 2 minutes. If an admin had been present they would have kicked you. Which we tried. When you didn't stop, a poll ban went up by a player in the server and you were vote banned. Your teammate started talking and someone poll banned him.

The polls are there for this reason.
No. I wasn't even alive for 20 seconds after my teammate died, also RIDING AND SHOOTING IS NOT DELAYING!

Closed Requests / NA_CRPG_1 Poll abuse
« on: March 04, 2012, 12:13:25 am »
I was on a server with HurleX another Invicti member and I'm playing xbow cav, I was the last person alive and they threatened to temp ban me and did pull up a poll, so I let them kill me even though it was only a few seconds after my teammates died. The next round I was just playing and Kutt said "here we go again" even though I already had a teammate alive. I was RIDING AND SHOOTING. Was not delaying and even so when the poll ban happened I had a teammate left! They also poll banned HurleX for arguing against them after I got banned.
1st log:
2nd log:
and yes I was pissed hahah.

P:S: There was only 5 or 6 people on the server.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Display damage dealt on the scoreboard
« on: February 28, 2012, 11:18:13 pm »
I like this idea alot. Have it next to the kills and deaths or something. As an archer I get tons of hits and damage but not as many kills. It would be cool to see how much damage I'm doing.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: archery..
« on: February 27, 2012, 02:47:04 am »
Yes archers rape everything, which is why they are always topping scoreboards everywhere with their super damage 1-shot melee range kills.

The irony is if something changed to make archers more damaging at distance instead of close range people (like you) would be raging when you take lots of damage from "that archer a million miles away that could sit on his hill and destroy us".

Close range does more damage but is far more dangerous for the archer.
This. Very much this. The gist of what I hear in this thread is "hi im a 2h pure please nerf archery to the ground so i can be even more powerful than I am already kthnx XD". Most of the people don't even have numbers or proof they just spout idiocy every chance they get and "claim" to be one shotted from 9001 yards away in the pinky toe with a short bow.

Archery does not need nerfs. It is a good support role, yes, but hardly ever will you top scoreboards as archer. Not to mention how well you do as an archer differs between games very drastically and maps and other things affect you hugely, more so than melee in my opinion. Thus I can go one round and be like 8 and 1 and get a good K/D, and the next round I'll go like 3/3 and so on. I realize alot of classes face this but in my experiences it is amplified as archer. Of course it could just be my skill level as archer, but I felt like saying that.

Either way archery is fine at the moment and doesn't need ANY nerfs. It's a good support role and while I would like to have more killing power and be less of an arrowstunner and horse hunter it's probably not going to happen.

Closed Requests / Re: Unban Request, Invicti_Vgamedude
« on: February 23, 2012, 12:55:20 am »
In which of these pictures did I act like a dick? I'm not playing victim I don't remember being warned for anything like that. I was just stating an opinion, here are the FULL logs.

Closed Requests / Re: Unban Request, Invicti_Vgamedude
« on: February 23, 2012, 12:44:17 am »
It's an hour ban.

You tried to crash the game for people. You might "state your opinion" on the forums as much as you like, but if I catch you doing the chat spam at the beginning of the round again I will not hesitate to ban you for longer.

Don't play the fool either, I warned you much earlier in the month about the same thing and you ran with your tail between your legs.
That wasn't my intention, and I don't recall you telling me this, however long ago. I know now and I'll remember not to do it again, but I was just defending myself and typing a reply I did not intend to crash anyone.

Closed Requests / Unban Request, Invicti_Vgamedude
« on: February 23, 2012, 12:04:11 am »
Hey, I was just recently banned by 451_CATS and I wish to know the reason that I was banned. Please someone tell me.

General Discussion / Re: Do people use a Great Lance?
« on: February 19, 2012, 03:27:55 am »

Check your numbers.

pre-0.262 and post-0.270 are probably all-time minimums for the proportion of active infantry. pre-0.262 because ranged appeals to more ranged, and it got very bad. And post-0.270 because of the cav influx of 0.262, and the ranged influx of 0.270.

Even more compelling is the evolution of ratios during a match. 1 minute before a round ends, out of all the survivors, usually 80% have some kind of ranged weapon.
You still have no solid proof of that and also the reason that range are the last alive is because by their very nature, must be more cautious and also they stay back to avoid conflict, not frontline warfare or flanking as melee do. Being the last alive means nothing however, what matters is the impact you had while being alive.

Also I'm speaking from an NA server standpoint which, I suppose I should have mentioned before hand. I don't go to the EU servers so maybe it's different there. Regardless though range should not be useless an is just as much a part of this game as anything else.

General Discussion / Re: Do people use a Great Lance?
« on: February 19, 2012, 02:08:13 am »
Bows horses bows horses... I'm sick of that. Since I've started playing this the whole game is about horses and archers. They should call it Mount & Arrow instead of blade...
Leshma congratulations for typing some of the most biased melee favoritism I have ever seen. That statement I quoted is full of false claims. In no way is a server more populated by archers and cav then infantry. Neither does archery need to be useless as you claim. We tried the whole useless archery thing last few patches and look how fast that got reverted.

Anyway trying not to stray off topic too much and I do agree with anders that the GL needs a buff. It's simply not up to par with the other lances. Also the loom bonuses should actually be useful for the weapon.

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