Closed Requests / Re: NA_CRPG_1 Poll abuse
« on: March 04, 2012, 01:09:35 am »Riding around shooting people isn't delaying, but it is annoying as hell, and more boring than the game need be made for other players, the server majority. If they decide to poll kick more power to them, I say that as a player who has often been the last alive as my horse crossbow.So it's low pop which means my team dies off in like a minute and I'm the only person left, so you're saying I just have to give up then and not even try to play simply because some people dislike it? That's not fair at all. I can't help it that the class is annoying to some, and it's in the game, so they just have to deal with it. In no way is it my fault that they are mad because they don't like the class.
Also, this is especially annoying when the server pop is low to begin with and is only going to serve to lower the population even further, you must know that.
By the way Tank. I DID TRY AND FIGHT! You're lying! I was riding and shooting not just running. Also I was freaking level 11.