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Messages - Triakor

Pages: [1]
Türkçe Forum / Re: Türkiye Milli Takım Kaptan Oylama Konusu-2
« on: May 28, 2012, 10:29:49 pm »
Oyundaki adi:Bashibazouk_Triakor
Destekledigi aday: Cicero
Bulundugu klan yada onceki clanları: Raven

I cannot see the items on the people in my faction (I can see the numbers, but cant see the pictures), faction tab gives an error as "Oops... TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined; line:undefined. Post it to help with script." so I am posting it, thanx in advance.

Diplomacy / Re: Preparations in the south to invade Merc lands
« on: December 04, 2011, 12:51:20 pm »
Hello all,

Yesterday i read this thread and it was only two pages, over one night it has become 12. Such dedication!

Anyway I am writing this post, because name of our clan is involved in multiple posts. First and foremost I'd like to say that, unlike the misconception, we are not vassals of Bashi we are their allies; and i think anyone who is playing strat is able to make that distinction. For those who lack the comprehesion skills to make it, let me clear it out for you. We have not received any troop or gold support from them or anyone, whatever troop or gold we have we raised it ourselves. We have our own plans and we are acting according to them. Does Bashi know about those plans, sure they do. Are they instructing us to do something,that they are not.   

That said; I want to clarify the issue of our desires to wipe Mercs. We had a meeting two days ago with Merc reps. As i do not find it decent to disclose the specifics of an assumably "confidential" meeting, i will cut to the chase. Until late at that meeting, we were not planning to wipe Mercs, we only wanted to take Ehlerdah and Yalibe, as they are neutral at the moment and we need villages to accomodate our 57 members, however Dave repeatedly told us that our plan was to wipe them. He said this so many times, he basically incepted the idea. Our decision-makers got pissed off with his attitude and we talked among ourselves and said "if that's what they want, lets wipe them".   

However right now, I think the only wiping that needs to be done about Mercs is wiping their tears, as they refuse to fight. Your arrogance and lack of organization (this round) has brought you to this situation, so stop blaming others or twisting and turning the story; just accept that fact and you will feel relieved. And about that pathetic excuse you are putting forward regarding how you want to ruin the fun by not fighting, well noone is buying it.           

Diplomacy / Re: New Diplomat Registry
« on: November 07, 2011, 02:32:59 pm »
Faction: Raven (Raven)
Leader: Ezop
Diplomat: Triakor
Steam ID's: gkhngfb, Triakor
At War:

Pages: [1]