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Messages - killjoy317795

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / I am so tired of these hackers PART 2
« on: September 23, 2011, 11:24:03 pm »
As far as the Chaos question<<< yes they are hacking<<< I realy dont care what you think or anyone else says their prob hackers also like i said previously. What am i going to get a kick again for pointing out the obviouse? Realy guys do.. me a favor will ya. Not to hard to understand i would think. Plus me having to do the admins job and serve up people on vid and screenshots hehe.. i will from now on take the time to submit such things as to help them realize the error in their ways, and hope they if they are hacking to get bann or a good kick. But seriousely i dont think anything ever happens to that affect. These people are not only lazey but crooked as well. The ones who are truely responsable for removing these hackers from our game and giving us a playable game without hacks and cheats THAT WE PAY FOR I AM A CUSTOMER . What does that say about their Char if they take up for hackers? It shows me that they are in on it 1 and they will deffend each other to the bitter end ITS worthless.  Ofcourse this is only my opinion? I could prob show somone flying they would naturally call it a bug in the game. Somone looking at , and dirrectly standing facing a wall wall hacking and they would say their bugging ......i could say that this guy killd 10 people in less then 10 sec he must be REALY GOOD they would say lol. Is this what to expect from people who are running this game? is ...verry sad INDEAD....ROFL  WOW Gl to all of you whom place your trust in this game it is def not worth the money i payed for it. Hackers hackies its full of them AND SOME OF THE ADMINS MAKE EXCUSES FOR THEM... WYWYWYWY DID I NOT TAKE THE (BLUE PILL)

Closed Requests / Re: I am so tired of these hackers
« on: September 23, 2011, 01:24:10 am »
How can you say their not hacking if you havent done the same thing vid dont tell me you know their not hacking if you havent thats calling what i see and said a lie, i dont whant to hear bable about how their good im not an idiot. you can tell these little kids that dont know what to look for i prommis you their all hacking as i say. And they need bann so does anyone comming here deffending hackers in my opinion.

Closed Requests / Re: I am so tired of these hackers
« on: September 23, 2011, 01:09:37 am »
Dosent matter how manny hours if you hack you should be bann from all games all servers. dont cheat and then you wont get bann is how i see it. I have allot of experience dealing with hackers and banning the rite ones i have used programs in the past as an example and learnd wy not to, and now i remove hackers for me and the other players. I know about bots/ engine hacks/ trainers/ injectors /scripting/bypasses you name it and i use what i know about them to figure out what to look for and use it against them. The sad thing about this game is its a great game man love it but its full of hackers thinking their invincable and not even trying to hide it so their you have it ty guys.

Closed Requests / Re: I am so tired of these hackers
« on: September 23, 2011, 01:00:23 am »
The detail is that lets see they walk into a group and kill 10 men or the 30-40 + ontop 14 times in a row and their clan members always 10 and 0 its bs this isnt packman theirs alot of good players playing no one is that good and 1 of them admitted to it also. KevinD_of_Chaos admitted to me they all hack  and laughed about it like its funny or somthing theirs alot of hacking going on not just them.

Closed Requests / Re: I am so tired of these hackers
« on: September 23, 2011, 12:52:43 am »
No being good is different then the guys who think nothings going to happen to them so they hack and stay on top 14 times with 30+ kills and 4 deaths per round . it dosent take a fricken genius to fig out their hacking just watch them play from the iname and see if their botting by their instant turns and killing quickness that no one else has. theirs alot more to figuring out if their hacking you should do some homework then come here to run your mouth at me. How about that? The only reason you dont careand talk as if nothing is going on is becouse your prob one yourself deffending them isnt the way so go back and tellem i said their all worthless for me will ya :)

Closed Requests / I am so tired of these hackers
« on: September 22, 2011, 04:05:38 am »
 :twisted: I have posted on the topic of the Na server 1 kicking me for calling out his buddy hackers and me asking wy he didnt remove them,,. when hes been on top like 10 times with 36-4 and the other clan members Chaos were all obviously hacking with their 7-0 . We need to get rid of these guys especialy if you whant people to play this game. It has to happen. Nord clan and the Chaos clan the whole dang thing is hacking along with alot of others, including some bad apple {admins} that got me so upset i was cussing him i shouldnt have to bring it up to him he should be aware as an admin that they are obviousely hacking. Is wy im upset! Well plus they got rid of a good player me< lol and let hackers who obviously stay for some perpose hmm that they are friends and the admin seems to be hacking also.<<<<Please do somthing about this is a seriouse matter <<<<

Closed Requests / I am so tired of these hackers
« on: September 22, 2011, 01:46:08 am »
I am requesting that all Nord/and Caos clan members/ you see be bann for hacking keke was one of them he is always ontop everytime i play hes 30+ and 4 deaths guys he is not good i prommis you that, I braught the subject up and asked wy they werent removing them from the servers and was kicked from the main na server for this by the admin whom was intentionaly allowing this to go on , and from what ive seen the server admins are in on alot they also hack. I pay alot of money like some to be able to play without all this crap everytime you turn around, its unfair anoying and needs to be wiped out. I would appreciate a good look into whats going on and get some real people watching these servers its getting pritty bad im an avid gamer and have manny steam games i have purchased and if its not taking care of, i will unsubscribe. So please do the right thing i appreciate your help thanks.

General Discussion / Re: Need help with updating to patch 1.240?
« on: September 19, 2011, 04:08:52 pm »
ive never installd it it was already updated when i started  can you guys tell me how to install ? this its not an engine installer  it seems its just a file?

General Discussion / Need help with updating to patch 1.240?
« on: September 19, 2011, 04:01:41 pm »
Anyone minde telling me and maybe puting the latest patch so i may download and start playing again will not let me in any servers with 1.240 and says i need to come here but cannot finde a download link anywere i am steam also any advice would be welcome ty guys :) :?:

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