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Messages - ZEE_BISHOP

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Some people seem to forget that not everyone that plays this game has no life and has millions stashed away - Casual gamers get hit the worst by the crippling cost of respec then they stop playing.

General Discussion / Re: Free Loompoints Lottery [ends 11th June]
« on: June 10, 2014, 12:56:50 am »

Even if it's a 1 or 2 month gap between a free respec, with the game changes they add (and should continue adding) that totally break characters, it's not a case of "lol adapt" not everyone's a no lifer who has the time to make that exp back.

Suggestions Corner / Re: FIX THE CAV RESPEC, GOOD LORD
« on: June 01, 2014, 09:55:48 pm »
The community isn't huge, people put a lot of "work" into their characters - you cannot change an entire class of players so dramatically and only allow a partial respec....

General Discussion / Re: XP system vs. reality
« on: May 15, 2014, 02:35:52 am »
How is this even a thread?

Gameplay aside, XP = experience points. Yes, 2 characters may indeed spend the same amount of time in a battle - but they do not glean the same experience. Just like 2 people in real life spending the same amount of time in a school class? One might be in the corner dribbling while the other is learning - Who's going to "grow" more?

So the character on the winning team hacking off heads and helping his team mates will grow faster, as a pose to the peasant cowering in the corner on a team getting curb stomped.

I think the bigger issue is how your toon is respawning after death.

The biggest issue is Gnjus's nose:
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Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: How do you deal with S-Key Heroes?
« on: May 15, 2014, 02:19:54 am »
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Then they have to come to you...  :wink:

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Build for 1h + shield??
« on: May 15, 2014, 02:13:21 am »
Yep, that's why i'm 1H/shielder/thrower/cav/lancer  :lol:

Jack of all trades, master of none and all that.

I prefer 18/21 as a shielder, it's a little more frustrating with lower PS meaning more wiffs and lower damage. But you need the speed and manoeuvre to dodge in and out of combat. You need it to run away or chase down enemies. If you don't have it, 2Hs will surround you and turn you into pulp. A lot of people who go shielder with low speed will be even more dependent on team mates and will have to trot around in a pack like a little lamb.

I find throwing on a shielder (even low throwing) is fantastic - It stops backpeddlers instantly. The worst thing you want to be doing is waddling after some 2H AGI hero as he backpeddles and lolspams away at you with impunity... Don't make yourself another statistic for a 2Hers ego  :wink:

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: 1h Cav Worthwhile?
« on: May 15, 2014, 01:07:04 am »
What you need on cav is reach and damage with your weapon. So, it's: Lancer > 2H > 1H.

That's not to say 1H cav is crap though, you'll kill plenty of infantry and cavalry, just know your limits. if you placed 2 people with the same skill level 1 on a lancer/2h cav and one on a 1h cav - the 1H cav should be losing, you can block their hits and get in close / trick them / time your hits better but they have the upper hand and you should lose your horse in that fight. So avoid fights 1 vrs 1 with lancers unless they're idiots.

Grab a level 0-2 shield if you're any of the above and it's fine for absorbing as many arrows as you'd bother doing with a higher shield most of the time. Generally as a 1H cav, you're out ranged by everyone so you'll be relying more on brute force with armoured horses or manoeuvre and speed to sneak behind people / whip in and out to get hits.

If you go armoured cav you're able to take some knocks in combat / smash people over and survive the ranged barrage (ranged target your horse less too generally - they'll still take pot shots at you though). If you go high maneuver you'll be able to avoid lancers who are generally on faster less maneuverable horses and weave into combat that infantry weren't expecting. If you go high speed, you'll rack up higher damage (to the enemy and yourself if you get hit back) and zoom into and out of combat like a fighter jet before anyone knows what happened.

Whereas lancer cav will rush into the fight, you might benefit from holding back a little until everyone is distracted and engaged - Chaos and the enemies lack of spacial awareness are your friend. Polearms on foot will try to act clueless knowing you're an easy kill, then turn around and rear your horse... Don't fall for it. 2h heros hanging around their spawn acting helpless or AFK are to be avoided too (you shouldn't be back there whoring for AFK kills anyway). Lancers / horse archers will chase you relentlessly. And every ranged on the field will sling a missile at your horse.

As a good 1H cav, you'll need surprise, timing and will need to be able to make split second choices on the right path to take. You should be a team player willing to charge in and help outnumbered infantry by knocking the enemy over and slashing at their backs - Don't try and be a kill whore. Harass and execute their ranged, cause confusion and break up and lure out their groups of troops once they're engaged so your infantry can mop up. You'll piss your money into the wind on upkeep. But it's pretty damned fun and you can wreck some serious havoc!  :wink:

A loomed weapon and high str / PS are important because you often will only get 1 / 2 passes on a person. Once someone knows you're there, unless they're useless, they can avoid you hitting them or outright down your horse with ease. Once you're dehorsed, you're dead. Simple as that as you're delayed on the spot laying down, it's enough time for a killing blow to your head and a kick slash if you actually survive that.

You'll want a better / bigger shield if you decide to go heavy armoured cav because with slower manoeuvre / speed you'll be taking more ranged to the face as you're an easier target - Not to mention the horse archers running rings around you. If you go the fast horse route (courser) you'll need looms, there's no point being "fast" when someone else is faster via looms and will trail behind your low manoeuvre horse slashing at your heels.

I generally prefer high manoeuvre (arabian / steppe) as you don't even need it loomed to perform. You'll run rings around heavier horses and can change direction on speed demons last minute and watch them stab at air with their spears as they go hurtling past. It's pretty easy to safely dodge and weave around with 5+ other cav chasing you when you're on an arabian warhorse with impunity. Infantry generally do not expect you to make the sort of sudden turns in and out of combat that you're capable of, making you less predictable and thus capable of getting hits in on them even when they're aware you're lurking. Your nemesis is ranged though...

Personally I find throwing weapons marry well with 1H cav and make up for some of the 1H downsides (So long as you don't have super armour, it's bad enough with accuracy). Lancers / xbow cav / horse archers chasing you for their "easy hits" will turn 180 and run like a bitch when you pull out a javelin. Likewise, the 2H / polearm hero lol stabbing at you with impunity isn't so pleased when you chuck shit at their face. You can take out horses if you get close enough and the occasional speed boost javelin toss to the head kill is brutal - Generally though, it's just a good deterrent as a pose to a primary / active weapon.

On any cav though, do not be "that guy" who knocks over 10 team mates to kill steal. You may not even need to engage to help a team mate, the very act of you being there behind an enemy is enough of a distraction to put them off and cause their death.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Rolling when dismounted from a horse
« on: May 14, 2014, 11:13:41 pm »

Not only are those little girls, but:

1. She's trying to hold on so the horse doesn't run off.
2. The horse is not dead.
3. No one's about to hack her in half with an axe if she sits there.

You'd better believe you'd be rolling and getting your sword ready. Contrary to having your face caved in with a heavy maul and then somehow rolling around totally concious and care free. You're actually more likely to be able to think clearly and react while full of adrenaline and skidding down with a horse... you may have the occasional broken limb / broken rib (concussion / broken back if you're unlucky) .

There's a chance you'd get a leg trapped under and I'm even happy for that to be a random % based "yeah no rolling for you sucker". But right now, it's easy mode killing a downed horse to the point that every assclown is swinging so wildly for the free kill you're likely to cause a team kill just by dying.

The natural reaction of a person when falling from something moving is to keep rolling with the momentum and direct it - This limits the damage. People are quite hardy in falls and can fall out of moving cars, rolling like lunatics and walk away with bruises. It's the dead impacts and skids that cause the real damage ripping skin off and breaking bones in half when you hit trees.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Rolling when dismounted from a horse
« on: May 14, 2014, 11:06:12 pm »

Ya sounds good if your fucjed in the head, Christ most people either die or break some shit while being dismounted. Christ it crippled superman

All up for taking damage when you fall. I even think horses without armour should take a bit of damage randomly when bumping into people etc. I think lances on horseback should have a % chance to snap at high speed too.

But as it stands any clown with a horse block weapon = kill horse one hit, second hit = char killed. As soon as you're dehorsed, unless the person standing over you is a total moron = free kill for him. I can count on 1 hand the amount of times I've been saved by my horse body too btw... and I've had a lot of horses die next to me. It should not be so predictable what the outcome is when a man falls after he's dehorsed.

If you can roll when you're hit by a mace the size of a house, you should be able to when knocked off a horse - Not sit there and wait for the inevitable.

Suggestions Corner / Rolling when dismounted from a horse
« on: April 22, 2014, 03:36:22 am »
Rolling when dismounted from a horse... Pretty straight forward, maybe it's been suggested before even? It makes more sense than rolling when you get knocked over, at least you have momentum when you're dismounted.

Armour which we wear also has padded Gambeson under to absorb impact hits.

These are mostly show riders who especially are preoccupied trying to hold the horse after falling so it dosen't run amock - they seem pretty able to hop up in a hurry / roll / try and control the horse... Now imagine the horse is dead / you don't give a shit if it runs amok and you're pumped with adrenaline about to have a hoard of angry guys descend on you and peel your face off to wear as a trophy? Going to sit gormless on the spot?  :rolleyes:

All up for taking damage when you fall. I even think horses without armour should take a bit of damage randomly when bumping into people etc. I think lances on horseback should have a % chance to snap at high speed too.

But as it stands any clown with a horse block weapon = kill horse one hit, second hit = char killed. As soon as you're dehorsed, unless the person standing over you is a total moron = free kill for him. I can count on 1 hand the amount of times I've been saved by my horse body too btw... and I've had a lot of horses die next to me. It should not be so predictable what the outcome is when a man falls after he's dehorsed.

If you can roll when you're hit by a mace the size of a house, you should be able to when knocked off a horse - Not sit there and wait for the inevitable.

Not only are those little girls, but:

1. She's trying to hold on so the horse doesn't run off.
2. The horse is not dead.
3. No one's about to hack her in half with an axe if she sits there.

You'd better believe you'd be rolling and getting your sword ready. Contrary to having your face caved in with a heavy maul and then somehow rolling around totally concious and care free. You're actually more likely to be able to think clearly and react while full of adrenaline and skidding down with a horse... you may have the occasional broken limb / broken rib (concussion / broken back if you're unlucky) .

There's a chance you'd get a leg trapped under and I'm even happy for that to be a random % based "yeah no rolling for you sucker". But right now, it's easy mode killing a downed horse to the point that every assclown is swinging so wildly for the free kill you're likely to cause a team kill just by dying.

The natural reaction of a person when falling from something moving is to keep rolling with the momentum and direct it - This limits the damage. People are quite hardy in falls and can fall out of moving cars, rolling like lunatics and walk away with bruises. It's the dead impacts and skids that cause the real damage ripping skin off and breaking bones in half when you hit trees.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: 6 PS enough?
« on: March 09, 2014, 09:44:12 pm »
6PS is enough to be decent, 7 would make you wiff less - but that's in an ideal world.

As the title says, I have a Spirited arabian warhorse and want to trade it for a masterwork arabian cav sword

Hey applying for the banner, Hizard_Retard invited me - It's CIAN  :wink:

Getting the same thing...

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