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Messages - Jesek

Pages: [1]
Faction Halls / Re: [Fallen]The Fallen Brigade (Recruiting EU/NA)
« on: December 17, 2011, 12:14:44 am »
i am interested about join to your clan.
In crpg i have nick StraslivyZabijak, 3th generation, propably no more retires.
I play like a cavaleryman,
23y old, Czech Republic

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: 3th Generation + Repairs
« on: October 23, 2011, 01:20:09 pm »
And system of repairs is totaly on shit. You repair your own weapons even in situacion when you pick another weapon from field as a loot. Or with automatic repairs you pay for picked weapons which you dont have. It havent any sence

Beginner's Help and Guides / 3th Generation + Repairs
« on: October 23, 2011, 01:15:40 pm »
Hi, i have a question......
please, can anybody tell me WHY have my char in 3th gen. every new level only half  weapon points(5)? And why i get with weapon mastery only 30 point and no 60 like last 2 gen. of character? Because in this way i have beautifull war horse +3, but absolutely unusable character...... after fucking weeks of fucking concentracion on this one task. Its make me little bit mad!  :mad: :mad:

My family is from Czech Republic we moved (great grandparents) moved before or right when WW2 was starting.
It wasn´t Czech Republic, but Czechoslovakia. Yop, here was a lot of Germans before ww2. And part of people has still names like Ulrich, Fisher,etc..  8-)

usually we fill our rosters like this: hre_members -> allies -> known players/friends, if there are slots left we decide by lvl/class/ping etc.

You are free to join our teamspeak server (IP: and fight with us on public servers and become a friend :), but you probably will  have to bear some german chatter.

If you are consider joining our faction plz apply on
Thank you very much  :)

Payments are made to the best performers on a case by case basis.
ok, thanks

All mercs who wish to fight for the Knights Templar must be on our teamspeak before the fight begins (around 20 - 30 mins before to ensure a space)

Other than that ll you need to do is apply to our battles and we are likely to accept.

Great, and what is the price?

Czech republic

Hi, your clan looks great. I play cRPG only short time and still little bit confused with this strategus system, so i need ask you on something... Is here some chance to fight with you as a mercenary or something like that? I am afraid i cant be permanet member of any clan from different reasons, despite this i want to join battles and sieges with some great warriors.
I am in game as
Jesek, lvl 30
[heavy cavaleryman] - Heraldic Transitional Armour, Great Helmet with Hat, Mail Gauntlets, Iron Greaves, Knightly Heater Shield
and Large Warhorse
weapons: Heavy Lance&Langes Messer or Heavy Bastard Sword&Heavy Throwing Axe
[light cavaleryman] - Red Tunic over Mail, Byzantion Helmet, Sarranid Leather Boots, Leather Gloves, Knightly Heater Shield
and Palfrey
weapons the same.

If it is not possible, please tell me how works here this merc system or what is that 

Hi, your clan looks great. I play cRPG only short time and still little bit confused with this strategus system, so i need ask you on something... Is here some chance to fight with you as a mercenary or something like that? I am afraid i cant be permanet member of any clan from different reasons, despite this i want to join battles and sieges with some great warriors.
I am in game as
Jesek, lvl 30
[heavy cavaleryman] - Heraldic Transitional Armour, Great Helmet with Hat, Mail Gauntlets, Iron Greaves, Knightly Heater Shield
and Large Warhorse
weapons: Heavy Lance&Langes Messer or Heavy Bastard Sword&Heavy Throwing Axe
[light cavaleryman] - Red Tunic over Mail, Byzantion Helmet, Sarranid Leather Boots, Leather Gloves, Knightly Heater Shield
and Palfrey
weapons the same.

If it is not possible, please tell me how works here this merc system or what is that  :)

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