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Messages - Rakaz

Pages: [1]
ah... that makes sense haha.   I went 12 str this round DOH thanks for the information :D


today when I went to retire I noticed that some of the items I own were not available to heirloom.  Example my bec de corbin wasn't available nor was the normal armor I wear.  I even sold one of my items and bought it back to see if it was available.  Not sure whats going on here.  I tried another browser too.  Also, I cleared all my cookies and everything, so it must just be a bug of some sort.


General Discussion / Re: Defend the Village mode fixed?
« on: May 01, 2011, 09:26:44 pm »
This is such a fun game mode, I hope they add some more levels.  Can fix gold/xp issue by requiring you to beat 3 waves to get a multiplier with a boss (or 3 bosses of the same type) in the third wave.  Also, max 25-30 players or everyone's ping goes to 400, but maybe increase bots by another 20-30 if they beat all the waves when it repeats through the cycles again and make their hitpoints and powerstrike go up significantlya s well.

This is a good idea I agree.  You shouldn't get exp for every round.  Its too easy.

Announcements / Re: Version 0.220
« on: April 29, 2011, 05:09:11 am »
Awesome thanks for the patch :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Are lolstabbes gonna be fixed??
« on: April 06, 2011, 09:48:49 pm »
Please try using downblock and it might change your opinion.  It is prolly the easiest to block, unless you are talking about some other aspect of stabbing then my argument is invalid.

Faction Halls / Re: CHAOS - War is Hell (NA Faction)
« on: March 24, 2011, 08:44:41 pm »

I am re-entering my application for CHAOS.  I would like to join your ranks.  Strategus seems to be just on the horizon (Hopefully) and I would like to join a clan that is active and has a good community of members.  The last clan I was in, DoD, did not have a proper communication channel and didn't seem as dedicated as CHAOS.  I always see members of your clan on all of the servers, which is the kind of clan I would like to join. 

Also,  the many members of CHAOS seem to have good skills in combat.  I personally have learned a lot from fighting against CHAOS members and would like to learn more as well.  I would like the opportunity to learn more and be granted membership to CHAOS.  I am willing to help the clan in anyway that I can.

Please consider me for membership to your clan.

Thank you for your time,


General Off Topic / Re: So what the heck is Darkfall
« on: March 23, 2011, 06:50:16 pm »
Darkfall is a Sandbox MMORPG.  Basically it adds in skills with the combat.  Instead of just being able to swing you could set it up so when you change weapons it will do a whirling attack as well.  Also, in Darkfall you have to grind for months building your skills to be able to compete.  There is magic in this game, which makes it less fun imo.  People just spam their heals and nukes all the time.  That is why I left the game.  At least in M&B there is only archery lol. 

Another important aspect in Darkfall is that it is a lot like Strat, but in real time.  People can always come in and attack you unannounced, so you better have people there to protect your guilds town stone.  (They cannot take your city without going to war with you).  Overall, the game was very fun when it came out 2 years ago, but after about 6 months it got bland with all the macroers and max stat players transferring to the North American server (Which started after the European sever), so they had the advantage of almost twice as much HP.  It takes months to macro up those stats, so it made the field less even.

Hopefully, this clears it up a little.


Faction Halls / Re: CHAOS - War is Hell (NA Faction)
« on: March 16, 2011, 10:34:54 pm »
Taking out my application for now.

Closed Requests / Re: Angry_Jew's name is offensive
« on: March 05, 2011, 04:31:54 pm »
idk about this one, jew isnt a bad word, nig or something like that  has a bad meaning and is not ok.
I think happy jew, silly jew, small jew, red eye jew, and mad jew isnt that bad. As a Native i would say just let it be and if your a jew be happy ur people are  being named after in a game or that ur people are still alive  :rolleyes:

This says it all.

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