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Messages - Owl_Baron

Pages: [1] 2
Mercenary Recruitment / Re: Ambushed by Union
« on: June 23, 2012, 08:55:49 am »
*alarm goes off* "5 more min" *30 minutes later* "damn i overslept ...

all due to germany winning yesterday :wink:

Mercenary Recruitment / Ambushed by Union
« on: June 22, 2012, 08:18:23 pm »
My fierce cudgel wearing bunch of peasants got attacked again....
So for the tactics: Kill them with cudgel, take their weapons and use them against themselves!

The battle will take place on Sat at 8:39 (damn early for the day after a germansoccerwin)

apply here:

feel free to join gl&hf

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Unnerf Horse Sounds
« on: June 20, 2012, 05:36:05 pm »
Why horses are MORE quiet since a recent patch... I don't know. 

Its not realistic.  Big fat horses that are silent even as they run into ur face...

Its not reasonable. Horses are heavy, horse hoed, beasts.  If they wanna go stealth get off the horse.

Fix it please.  Even with sound turned up it doesnt help because now my squishy footsteps drown out even horse sounds when they are on top of me.


somehow it seems that courser are faster then the sounds of their steps...

But it makes no sense for 2h sword to do less damage close to the hilt, if it's the blade?!?!?


this is totally wrong, not just because of the swingspeed, but even most katanas aren't sharp near the hilt....
in vikingr they made it right, so to say....
If i remember right, in reality also greatswords made more blunt dmg then cut, used like the barmace, but this is something that doesn't belong in this thread :wink:

My suggestion: to balance polearms, give them a small stagger when striking with the hilt (full polestagger or knockdown would be too much)) and/or maybe quarterstaff dmg?

General Discussion / Re: Forum Titles
« on: June 19, 2012, 01:05:21 pm »
Give me itams pl0x. I am poor forum beggar :mrgreen:

edit: I'm also ok with gold

General Discussion / Re: New Autoblock banwave incoming?
« on: June 18, 2012, 06:21:33 pm »

Yeah i used Nodemod on the Virgin ..... that was just to make it more "realistic"   :oops:

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BTW. never noticed any autoblocker.... might be the great maul's fault  :rolleyes:

General Discussion / Re: Rate the player above!
« on: June 12, 2012, 11:57:46 pm »

for the beardy fetish of his beautiful characters  :mrgreen:

General Discussion / Re: If you win Lottery ??
« on: June 10, 2012, 09:15:03 pm »
Date   Winners   Total
10/06/2012 18:00   Welkin   15,450,000

Uhm.... i think someone made a mistake there.... cuz...

You have won the lottery!
The prize money of 1545000 gold was transferred to you.

OK I GOT IT NOW, main price is 10%!!

General Discussion / Re: If you win Lottery ??
« on: June 10, 2012, 07:59:40 pm »
you shouldnt be able to win mroe then once in a single lottery...

Oh... how about spending all my money on new lottery tickets?

Lotteryception anyone?

PS: I appreciate your great advice @Leshma

General Discussion / Re: If you win Lottery ??
« on: June 10, 2012, 07:50:31 pm »
Date   Winners   Total
10/06/2012 18:00   Welkin   15,450,000

Uhm.... i think someone made a mistake there.... cuz...

You have won the lottery!
The prize money of 1545000 gold was transferred to you.

and lol @private messages like
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Thanks to you all  :mrgreen:
also: (i need advice what to do with the money)

General Discussion / Re: tourney armor
« on: June 09, 2012, 07:56:05 pm »
Just remove all gold we have and equipment and make it a complete wipe except for gens and let us redistribute our loompoints.

You forgot about the ppl who sell their looms and ride a plated charger for the rest of their lives...
they just get their money depot refilled to fuel their charger :?

I'd rather say count our loomed Items, give us the points for them, reset everything else.

Or else: A Chance to invest loomed items/points into something useful, so that the amount of loomed stuff decreases over time...

Just think of Martin von Tours... he gave his loomed cape away.... and probably saved the beggars live.... then he got the title of a saint and is celebrated once a year in several european countries 8-)

Announcements / Re: Version 0.286
« on: June 09, 2012, 03:59:58 am »
Just give those Greatswords the pole animation,
for realism AND balancing

there are only few reasons to play pole now..... like crushing doors, shields and stopping cav

a decrease in lolstab dehorsing efficiency would make a good 2h>pole>cav>2h balance :mrgreen:

Just remove lolstab already and it's 2h>pole>cav>2h again!

I can't see a reason to use pole but for "opening" doors, crushing shields and stopping cav.....
couched cav doesn't outreach regular poleman most of the time, let it be a privileg and remove that darn lolstab!

General Discussion / Re: Worst exclusive banners thread
« on: June 08, 2012, 07:37:27 pm »
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Hey! That raindbowdash banner was a placeholder, i just finished the real one today!

To be honest, there are even quite ridiculous banners ir like
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Yaroslavl Oblast, Crazy Russians :mrgreen:

hahaha or this ones of Hungarian Istvan Varallyay
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and painted
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or japanese heraldics please
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Suggestions Corner / Re: Great looking new armour !! :)
« on: June 04, 2012, 10:25:11 pm »
already did that, they are queued for next item patch

i really hope they won't replace the old ones, i use them on my alt frequently :mrgreen:

But who is "Narf" anyway? does he play CRPG or is he a known modeller?

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