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Messages - AllTimeFail

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General Discussion / Re: 54 Loom Point Giveaway (18 Winners)
« on: April 24, 2019, 03:03:08 am »
Safe travels, Tim

Were assuming that spikes or ladders will always keep a siege tower in place and won't send it spinning off into the sky. With warband physics, sometimes one f press sets back the defense 10 minutes. Sometimes it glitches it out permanently. Why should the defenders be able to close the hatch as the attacks are coming into the castle? Doesn't make sense. It makes siege towers into a non-viable strat. Why waste so much material and time on something thats gonna get stuck on a fucking rock or sent into space or back to spawn or locked close because of a glitch?

how about team lock siege towers but lower their HP drastically?

Character name: Sir_Caramel_Agent_Of_Hydra

Number of Exchanges Wanted: 4

Accept this trade:

General Discussion / Re: 24 hour Heirloom point flash sale is back!
« on: June 20, 2017, 12:09:03 am »

Thank you :) can use these to give away before I ship out in a few days

Done)) o7

Requesting 1 loom  :P

General Discussion / Re: 24 hour Heirloom point flash sale is back!
« on: June 19, 2017, 11:58:37 pm »
Awesome offer. Thanks guys!

--Thanks Asheram

Oops, done))  :oops:

I just realized there's a guide section now. FUCK

I decided to break from years of tradition and write an actually serious guide. If we end up getting some new people, they might benefit from something other than 4 year old shit-posting and info that's outdated by six years.
I am Caramel Macchiato, and over the years I developed an effective anti-cav build. Then I forgot that build, and realized I was over-complicating things. -Anyone- can be an effective anti-cav if the team balance demands it, as long as they put in a little practice. No change in build is needed, but you will need to spend time learning some timing. The point of this guide is to show how easy it is to augment your current equipment set-up so that you can always be ready to take on cav if they become to many. Then. after the threat is over, you can go back to using the gear you always use. Really, all you're doing is adding 1-2 items to your set-up.

So, here's the big tip. When it comes to anti-cavving, the less WPF you having in polearm the better. The reason for this is that your spear will hang in the air for a long, long, ass time. And the entire time its hanging there, it can damage whatever it hits. That means if you throw it too early you might still kill some dumbass newbie cav who decides to rush you thinking you shot your wad early. It also means you sometimes get lucky glance stops or damage hits on cav passing by.

The obvious upside of this is that you don't need to change your build at all. Just toss a spear on your back and if you're getting gang banged by cav, stick your spear out at whoever comes your way. You can even throw a practice shield on for a special panic block if you fuck up (talking to you 2-handers).

The downside is of course that not everyone is a dumb newb who will fall for you sticking your spear out in the air hoping they'll run into it. This is where the practice comes in. If you're going to put no points into polearm (and why should you unless that's your primary focus), then you need to become knowledgeable of how long it takes for you to thrust your spear and how long it will stay thrusted. Basically, you need to spend a few hours getting wrecked by all the cav dicks out there until you get good enough where at least half of them learn to avoid you by your armor. At that point, you're helping the cause of cutting down on the cav pop. So you did your duty. If you wanna get good enough to kill Sauce (Tiny Glancer) every time he comes at you, then that's extra work you can put in for your country and everyone would love you for it all the more.

I can tell you that with practice, you can kill any cav with 0 wpf and a war spear. Because in the end its your skill vs their skill. And if everyone just grabbed a spear, we could end the cav plague every time it popped up.

Regarding gear, you're not going to want a spear that you cant sheath. Cav come suddenly and without warning if they think your a threat. They want to remove you so they can kill freely. If they think you're vulnerable even for a second, they'll get you good. There's no time to chuckle fuck around looking for your pike on the ground. I like to have my MW warspear with me any time there are a couple cav on. Its got a good length and good damage. Its not so long that I have to overthink where the cav is gonna be (and also so it won't get easily blocked by enemies I don't want to engage) but not so short that the cav will be in my face either. I let the cav come in close so he has to commit and then either he dies or is stopped or I die (or block or dodge).

 And that's pretty much it.

So for the TLDR:
When map is overpopped with cav
1. Do not change your build.
2. Put a spear on your back.
2.a. (optional) put a practice shield on your back
3. Stab horses when they attack you.
4. Go back to primary weapon until another horse attacks.
5. When threat is over, drop the spear.

I hope this info helps someone. I know it'll be a no-brainer to most of the vets, but a lot of new people take a while to get how WPF works. Anyway, happy hunting.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: launch is Crashed
« on: March 06, 2017, 04:45:55 am »
Not aware of how the torrenting works (old senile king) is it very simple to do? Perhaps I can help out aswell
James just download a torrent engine like utorrent or whatever and click the crpg file the other guy linked. Load it with the program and once it dls leave it alone. You'll automatically seed it to others looking to dl. However, it will slow down your comp like he was saying unless more people help. More people, lighter load.

Faction Halls / Re: X---***---THE AUTISTIC WIZARDS GUILD---***---X
« on: March 30, 2016, 09:31:10 am »
Carmel the great crazed seer of the great GOBBBLIN horde suddenly had a sudden relization! He couldnt do math as good as he could normally do math before!

"Oh no!" Carmel thought to hisself. "Whats 10 times infinity?" "I dont know said Havelle. I DONT KNOW EITHER SAID CARMEL. I dont think imma savant anymorw cuz i yusd to be able to do that kinda madth in my sleep! "AW SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT" SAID HAVELLE. I dont think imma savant anymore ever!


Carmel and harvey relised(sp?) that the great GOBBLINKING musta died on his whil on won his quest to the Chaos wasteslands. "oh no!" said carmel! Im not a gobblin seer ne more.

"OH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIT" said havelle. "THe gobblin curse that Chester otab put on you has bun liftid. You are just Sir Caramel agen.

"Oh cool." I said. Now im Sir Caramel Macchiato again everybody I told em. And we all had a party at my castle.

« on: February 11, 2016, 06:34:23 pm »

« on: May 01, 2014, 09:47:27 pm »
Thranduil's map looks sick. That's what I was hoping for.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Apologies
« on: May 02, 2013, 05:15:10 am »
oh man you guys are gonna love this. The battle is tomorrow! So no worries. This battle hasn't happened yet. Lol we're gonna laugh SO hard about this later.

Strategus General Discussion / More Apologies
« on: May 02, 2013, 04:55:33 am »
To MB clan. I took a pot shot at you in my previous topic. Not cool. i don't want to be one of those forum drama queens like (redacted) YAM SAYAN. So, sorry.

--Caramel Macchiato.

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