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Messages - Samlooh

Pages: [1]
Global / Re: [UNBAN] Recently came back, now global banned
« on: August 18, 2013, 10:04:42 pm »
Glad to help.

So, everything is good? No need for transfers or anything?

No, everything is good thanks. However, is it possible to change the login username?

Global / Re: [UNBAN] Recently came back, now global banned
« on: August 17, 2013, 12:43:07 pm »
God, I feel stupid right now ...

I just went into c-rpg and ofcourse I had another account. Thank you so much for making me realise I had a 2nd account .. Should ofcourse have tried playing c-rpg before making this post. I'm sorry for taking your time.  :oops:

Global / Re: [UNBAN] Recently came back, now global banned
« on: August 17, 2013, 12:25:11 pm »
According to what I can see you stated you had "lost your key" and then subsequently had your characters transferred to a new account.

Now though, it would seem that key is not so lost after all, given you're using the original account right now :o :?:

Would you like to have them all returned to the original key? The one associated to the forum account you're using right now. I'll lock the "new" key then.

So I did change cd-key?

EDIT: Wait a minute, so do you mean I have a second account linked to the newer key?

The original key is lost though. I havn't tried logging onto the c-rpg servers yet (and thus would have made a new account?). I just saw that my account was globally banned here on the web, and then started a thread. I wanted to use my original account because I had characters I had put alot of time in and didn't want to waste that. As I said, didn't knew the accounts were bound to the cd-key (which is pretty obvious now when I come to think about it).

Anyway, no - I'd like everything to be transferred to the new key (the latest played with?) if that is possible. However, if all my characters are gone on the original account (at lvl 1 etc) I can just make a new account I suppose.  :|

Global / Re: [UNBAN] Recently came back, now global banned
« on: August 16, 2013, 07:16:34 pm »
That's the only possible reasons for global bans without warning or notice.

I advise you to be honest and not act stupid about it in the threads, you'll probably get unbanned immediately due to your long ban (I assume it's longer than a year). As long as you don't try to lie, etc, because they know everything about us. Don't tell 'em I said this!

Are you implying that I am acting like that?  :)

Anyway, everything I've said so far are nothing but the truth. As I said, might have changed cd-key. I think I did, but I'm not sure. And if that was the case, I never knew it wasn't allowed. Have always used the same account anyhow and never shared any cd-keys.

Global / Re: Strategus multiaccounting unban thread
« on: August 16, 2013, 01:08:47 pm »
Hi, I recently came back to crpg after taking a long break due to school. However, when I logged onto it said I was globally banned and my character that I had put atleast +150h was only lvl 1 with a 100g. I wasn't banned when I quit playing, so there must be some kind  of a mistake. I had some problem reinstalling warband after changing some hardware, and it could have happend that I changed cd-key. Infact, I believe I did change it.  However, I kept playing on my old account.

Already made a post, but Oberyn said I could post here too.

Here is the post:

Nessaj: Handled. Not multi-accounting.

Global / Re: [UNBAN] Recently came back, now global banned
« on: August 16, 2013, 12:56:04 pm »
Are you using the same cd-key as you were back then? Characters are tied to Warband cd-keys. Otherwise try the two stickied post, "autoblock" and "multiaccounting" ban threads, whichever you think may apply...

I believe so. I do however remember I had some problem with the cd-key after reinstalling warband when I changed some hardware. Might have changed the cd-key, sadly I cant remember correctly. If this was the case, is that the reason I was banned?

Global / [UNBAN] Recently came back, now global banned
« on: August 14, 2013, 04:09:37 pm »
Hi, been playing c-rpg alot during previous years but I quit due to school last year. Now when school is over I felt a sudden urge to continue play c-rpg, so I logged onto but apperently the character I've put atleast +150h into is globally banned. I thought this must be a mistake, since I wasn't banned when I quit playing last year.

Cheers, Samuel

EDIT: I also noticed that my character is lvl 1 and with only a 100 gold. But perhaps this happend to everyone because of some big update this year?

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Cannot access my account (characters)
« on: August 28, 2012, 06:12:21 pm »
Ok, so I'm logged in at my c-rpg account now. But still can't access my characters in-game, will try the irc channel.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Cannot access my account (characters)
« on: August 28, 2012, 02:02:03 pm »
Don't expect people on IRC to help you when you are there less than 10 seconds.

Come back and someone will take care of you.

I will, I was in a hurry before.

You would need your old CD-Key since the characters are reg with it

Can't you change it then? Cause there is no way I'm gonna find my old one.

cRPG Technical problems / Cannot access my account (characters)
« on: August 28, 2012, 01:33:01 pm »
So, I recently bought a new copy of warband since my last one dissappeared. That means I got a new serial and CDKey, how can I access my characters again? I spent ALOT of time on my crpg account and do not want to start over again. How do I do this?

Also, for some reason I cannot access my crpg account trough the website either. I logged in a few days ago but now I cant anymore. It's actually really bad that you can't get your password trough email at crpg (or can you?).

Edit: The account name is Samlooh, the same as my name on here.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: 1h shield build
« on: September 10, 2011, 09:44:08 am »
Playing 21/15 with Elite Spamitar. It's really fun and I usually am atleast top5 on scoreboards. You hit hard while being pretty fast. However if you're not lvl 30 yet I suggest you go for the athletics first because imo, the points in athletics are really important.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Fittable 1h'er with my 21/15 build
« on: August 30, 2011, 08:29:50 pm »
Hmm 1h don't usually 2 hit most people. That's a 2h thing to do.

With 7 PS I should be able to 2hit atleast some? Now, I am only doing that on for example peasants (with very low armor I might add).

Beginner's Help and Guides / Fittable 1h'er with my 21/15 build
« on: August 30, 2011, 08:20:38 pm »

Looking for a good 1h'er fittable with this build (non looms) :
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Currently using Italian Sword but I want to be able to hit fast and 1-2hit most people and I feel like this sword just ain't gonna cut it. Right now it takes atleast 3+ hits to kill someone (with average armor and up) and I feel that's wee bit to much since I'm mostly being killed in 2. Been thinking about trying Steel Pick but since it's so short I'm not sure whether it's an alternative with this build, or am I wrong?

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-Cheers, S.

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