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Messages - matusff

Pages: [1]
cRPG Technical problems / Re: Character rename problem
« on: September 01, 2013, 04:28:02 pm »
That is correct full name changes apply that way will be rejected

The two ways you can get a full name change is going to the market place and winning a Town Criers that offers a Name change or retiring

You could always apply to remove your clan tag

Ok thanks :)

cRPG Technical problems / Character rename problem
« on: September 01, 2013, 01:33:34 pm »
Hi, yesterday I have started playing M&BW Crpg after about year. Back then I was in Yeniceri clan wich doesnĖ™t exist anymore . So I paid for renaming. Typed a new name and I waited till today as you asked me to (my name is "Yeniceri_Matusff" right now and I wanted a new name "Velorio"). Now my name is still Yenicer_Matusff name is not changed and the page asks me to pay another 1000g to rename.

Could you do something about it?


Pages: [1]