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Messages - Martrim_Cauton

Pages: [1]
Faction Halls / Dutchman LF Clan
« on: August 18, 2011, 12:44:58 am »
Hey all

Ive been playing M&B for some years now, but iam new too this version of crpg and strategus. And so i was wondering if theres a clan thats willing to let me join.
I'm from Holland and iam lvlin a shielder/xbow now(lvl 23 first gen atm), also know my way around a polearm. Got 244 hours played on steam with Warband, most of it is multiplayer,
My nick now is Martrim_Cauton, and i prefer siege games. Used too play with nicks such as: Greef_II (lvl 11 2nd gen shielder wich is an alt now), Gregor_Glengane(with this nick i used to
be in GK i believe, but they were an American clan so that wasnt handy with the time differance) and Ser_Barristan_Selmy. Ive got a mic, ventrilo and ts.

I hope this is enough information, cya all online

Greetz Martrim

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