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Messages - Tayzzer

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Character: Zaylor

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General Discussion / Re: New Armors from the Víkingr Mod
« on: July 13, 2017, 07:11:08 pm »
I am in no way biased and think that these armors need to be added. Plus new items always gets people playing. (i would instantly masterwork the Sutton Hoo helmet)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Open-Source Víkingr Armor!
« on: July 24, 2015, 06:17:16 am »
Even if Dion wasn't holding my family hostage i would want these armors in the game.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Xbow with melee build help
« on: July 01, 2015, 11:21:07 pm »
Hello, long time player here but not up to date with changes from the past year. Now that the level cap is higher and other changes I find myself at a loss when trying to determine How much melee wpf I need vs. crossbow wpf.

I was looking at making my build
Str: 15
Agi: 27

One Handed:123

Weapon Master:9
Iron Flesh:5
Power Strike:5

So do I Need more one hand wpf or xbow wpf? Plan on using a very fast 1hand like 100 speed and the heavy crossbow. Any help would be great.

cRPG Technical problems / In game mouse cursor won't move
« on: December 05, 2014, 09:03:53 pm »
So as the subject says, my mouse cursor in-game does not move, I can still highlight options and get into game albeit quite slowly. This does not happen in native and I have tried re installing crpg, playing with or without WEs2 and repairing it with no results I really hope some one has a cure as this really puts me off playing the game.

Suggestions Corner / Re: More Dark-Age helmets
« on: June 08, 2014, 10:14:44 am »
Whoa, all these textures look so much better than our "Norman" style helmets. They look so real and rugged. Up vote!

General Discussion / Re: Who is your biggest rival in-game?
« on: June 04, 2014, 12:27:46 am »
It has been as I have always said be wary of the other team, fear your teammates.

If I had to pick one player though it would probable be Unholy_Black Company.

Searching for new Items and have new armor aswell.

Suggestions Corner / Re: BRING SHASHKA BACK 2014 (WITH POLL)
« on: May 06, 2014, 07:39:57 pm »
Yes, the Shashka must make a glorious return, there are too few single edged blades as of now. The color pairings of the sheath and handle are a bit wonky but that can easily be remedied. Even that video posted shows a deep red or mahagony colored hilt which would look wonderful.

Events & Tournaments / Re: Jack's event
« on: May 06, 2014, 01:46:41 am »
Some thing came up, I will have to retract my name from the event.

Events & Tournaments / Re: Jack's event
« on: May 04, 2014, 05:15:10 am »
And me!

Announcements / Re:
« on: April 27, 2014, 08:26:57 pm »
What does  Increased Score Offset cap from 1.25 to 1.5 Mean in layman's terms

cRPG Technical problems / Launcher does not launch c-rpg
« on: February 21, 2014, 11:04:24 pm »
When I start up the c-rpg launcher and hit play crpg it checks for updates then goes to updating resource blacklist. Then the launcher blinks out for a second and comes back up without launching the game. 

Bump: Looking for new items and have new items to trade

General Discussion / Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« on: January 15, 2014, 05:19:48 pm »
Cheating or not cheating are not the only two options for this subject, and a blanket statement on all texture editing would be erroneous. Cheating in this context centers around the idea of gaining an advantage ( an advantage in combat) .While it is true that some textures could give one an advantage like projectiles easier to see in flight, many are just for aesthetics. In a game with such a close knit community including our developers, even if we don't all get along it seems only fair and just that we help with the less important aspects such as aesthetics.

Do you all think me turning my Rus cavalry boots to a charcoal color and making the cavalry robe a faded blue gives me a tactical advantage?

Maybe we need a forum here on C-rpg for dds. & similar files that are edited by our community. Of course it would not stop those who are making an advantage for themselves stop. However it would allow us to share and monitor what we believe are improvements to the games visuals.

I am aware that tale worlds has such forums but however nasty or mean our community can get it does not hold a flame to the sort of abuse one would take if they god forbid made an error in the tale world modding forums.

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