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Messages - Lothar007

Pages: [1]
Ahh ok now I get it.

I just thought that the whole idea of an auction was to be able to actually know what the highest bidder was, and then make a higher bid yourself.

I think you could be right.
 But the wierd thing is, that whenever I make a bid, the higest bid immediately becomes the value that I just bid + 1 gold. So if at first the higest bidder was 100 g and i bid 101 - then immediately the higest bidder becomes 102 g. Then I bid 500 and it becomes 501. Then I bid 7000 and it becomes 7001, but my bid is never listed as being the highest. Always someonelse has the highest bidder, and always this bid is equal to my bid + 1 gold.

I think I may have discovered an auction bug. I was trying to bid on a loomed item several times, but whenever a make a bid, say 1 gold over the highest bidder, I would be immediately overbid by 1 gold as soon as i click to make my bid.

I tried to make a bid several times and I overbid with as much as 500 gold, however as soon as I click the "ok" botton, my bid is not the highest bidder, even though I just made it. So unless another player is able to predict me making a bidder, and thus constantly overbid me by 1 gold at the same time as I place my bidder, I believe this is a bug.
Perhaps someone have developed a method to auto-overbid the highest bidder with 1 gold, so they are sure to win the auction???

Anyone else havning experienced this?

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