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Messages - stevobob

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / Re: Unban Request
« on: August 13, 2011, 05:13:15 am »
I can personally guarantee that I will put forth my utmost effort to ensure that not only do I not teamkill anyone (consensual or otherwise) but I will also ensure that I do not get teamkilled as to prevent a horrific event such as this from occurring in the future.

Closed Requests / Re: Unban Request
« on: August 13, 2011, 04:57:53 am »
I, stevobob, hereby lay claim to the status of "tked goon" and do confirm that the tk was indeed consensual, and that the ban was unnecessarily heavyhanded and, due to the lack of a kick for warning, clearly demonstrates prejudice against goon and goonkind. Down with Fallen Tears of Destiny or whatever the fuck that asshole's name is.

you didn't warn kick Ylca, you kicked some other dude hth

Pages: [1]