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Messages - clown1231

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Oh derp...

There are 2 copies of Warband on the Amazon account, one for me and my brother. My brother just checked his characters, and the test character was there.

Thanks for making me double check, I'll just lock this thread now so I don't get trolled into oblivion...

Recently, I reformatted my hard drive and reinstalled Win7 due to several random things being messed up. I reinstalled Warband, using the same key that I've been using the whole time. I then tried to join NA_cRPG_1, and got the message that this character is owned by someone else. I then made a test character, joined the same server to create him in the database, and he's not showing up on my character list.

Can an admin fix this? I'd hate to lose my looms and generations.

Suggestions Corner / New Game Mode - MOBA Edition!
« on: August 22, 2012, 05:46:13 pm »
I've been playing a fair bit of League of Legends, so naturally for some reason I had an idea for a Moba game type. If you don't know what a MOBA is, go look it up, I'm not going to waste time explaining.

Everyone starts as a level one character. This character isn't saved on the site, and is wiped every round. To level up, you must gain XP by killing and being near minions, or killing enemy players. Equipment buying and leveling up would be achieved via the C menu. To actually equip your stuff, you must use the normal equipment menu. To update your character, you'll have to hold F at a friendly tower.1 The minions would be in the form of footmen, that are somewhat poorly equipped.2 They would come in several classes - Shielder, 2 hander, and archer.3 The towers would be a destructible that houses an AI crossbowman. He himself would have the stats required to be invincible, requiring that the towers be taken down. The crossbowman would die upon the destruction of the tower. At each base would be quite a few buildings to destroy, similar to HoN. Huts would be destroyed for gold and the various barracks would be destroyed to gain improved minions. To win, the players must raise the flag near the back.

When the game is done, all players should gain XP based on time spent in the game, to be given to their real characters.

1Alternatively, the traditional Native buying system could be used. However, it should not, because every time you would spawn, it would take from your gold. This isn't desirable, since someone that would die a second time soon after the first would likely be out of money, and then stuck, due to having crappy equipment. The reason that an update must be done at the tower is mainly to avoid exploitation. This update would be performed similar to how PWMod does it when you change class.

2You could make the minions be half the size of a normal player, which would allow for the players to have greater visability. These minions would be wearing armor appropriate for their team, having armor that either is colored for the faction or that which has the team banner.

3These could be subject to change. I've toyed with the idea that each team would have unique minions, but that would probably result in lane pushing from minions alone, which is undesirable.

Possible issues:
  • A lot of AI would have to be written for this to work. For one, the Minions must be programmed to walk down their lanes. Additionally, the tower archers would have to focus fire on enemy minions first, unless a friendly player is being damaged by an enemy.
  • With the range of ranged, the map would have to be considerably larger than a typical MOBA map. The reason there is a crossbowman in the tower is that it provides the highest range, preventing ranged players from taking free shots at the tower from afar. The tower's crossbow would have to have a bonus against shields (possible?), or shielders would be surprisingly OP.
  • It is very likely that team damage will have to be disabled, mostly due to AI incompetence.
  • Those seeking a more hardcore experience would have to look elsewhere. Since lasthitting would be difficult or impossible to implement due to lack of health bars, and the fact that there can be no "Jungle" due to the limitations of only 2 teams, this would be a far more casual experience than HoN and LoL.

There are some other things that should be added, but I'll keep this simple, and leave that to the more intelligent ones that know how to mod Warband. Any and all suggestions are welcome, however arguments based on the superiority of one MOBA are not. Since MOBA is now a genre (There are now at least 5 MOBAs out or releasing - LoL, HoN, Smite, Awesomenauts, and DOTA2), this is allowed to be different, and doesn't have to be a direct clone of any game in this genre. It should also be noted that I have no experience with modding, I only have my experience in playing various mods to guess at what is possible and what is not. As such, I'd very much like to hear if this is even possible, even if it wouldn't be added to cRPG.

Game Balance Discussion / A Sensible way to Balance Strength
« on: August 19, 2012, 09:06:12 pm »
Before you flame me or -1 the topic, hear me out.

One of the best things (IMO) about cRPG is that you get to chose what you want to play. You're not stuck with the generic builds of Native, and you get to choose your equipment. This means that most people end up with very different characters. Of course, this does lead to trollable things, such as horse archery and invincible shields, but I believe that the benefits outweigh the few problems.

Today, however, one can simply pump strength and be fine. No need for agility in today's builds. I think that if we change one thing about strength, the spectrum of available builds can increase. The intention here isn't to stop people from playing 39 strength characters, it's to increase the validity of builds that incorporate more agility into their lifestyle.

The idea I have is to put a soft cap on the weight penalty reduction that strength provides. In turn, however, increase the bonuses from ironflesh and powerstrike by 1 damage/HP. This, in a way, will balance itself out.

  • The no AGI builds will be slower, but will do more damage and be harder to take down
  • The moderate builds with 15 AGI or more
  • The AGI builds won't gain anything from this, except that they will continue to be at their same speed, while the stronger ones in medium-heavy armor will be slightly slower.

Feedback is appreciated, as well as how to improve this suggestion.

Spam / Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
« on: August 08, 2012, 04:14:43 am »
Can we just get this added already? Over 120 +1s.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Full on horse collisions
« on: August 06, 2012, 05:18:47 am »
Agreed, +1 and whatnot.

I'd also like to see a chance of dehorsing if the horse is reared, with the chance dependant on riding skill and speed before rear, but this is fine.

General Off Topic / Re: Continue the Story (Topic - Medieval Times)
« on: August 06, 2012, 04:36:18 am »
He barely had his pants pulled back up when he heard the noise of a trumpet and the sound of a thousand cavalrymen charging across an open plain.

General Off Topic / Continue the Story (Topic - Medieval Times)
« on: August 05, 2012, 06:49:08 am »
Thought it was about time we had one of these. Simply pick up where the previous poster left off. Because I'm feeling bored, I will follow along, contribute, and edit in the story in the first post as it progresses. Almost anything goes, as long as it makes (some) sense. The story takes place in the stereotypical middle ages, in a parallel reality that doesn't encounter the bubonic plague.

(click to show/hide)

Edward was a lucky man at arms, for today he would die for his lord.

10,000 gold is a ridiculous amount to spend. 500 would be plenty. However, I don't think many will play this mode, considering the randomness of getting on a good team. The reason this works in games like CoD is because there are no teams.

It was an idea, but I doubt it would work, I'd rather have money being spent keeping the existing servers online rather than needing another 2 servers (1 for NA and 1 for EU). Before you say, what if we put this in existing servers, keep in mind that new players will be unable to play anything besides Rageball and Defend the Virgin. Not to mention that not a lot of people actually would want to play this.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Transfers to STF characters.
« on: August 03, 2012, 12:13:41 am »
Sorry, but you cannot get your items back. However, keep in mind that you are able to respec skip the fun characters instead of remaking now. At some point I'm sure you'll want to use these items on your STF, so it shouldn't be much of an issue.

Note that you are able to transfer loomed items without restrictions, so if you want to try out a skip the fun with your current looms, it is possible, if a little annoying.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: 1h tips!
« on: August 02, 2012, 02:05:25 am »
As with every melee technique, use of feints, chambering, and footwork can work wonders.

What I like to do personally due to my desire for teamwork, is that I'll soak up hits on my shield, giving others the chance to fight. When they're attention turns to the others, I give them a nice slash in the back.

What I've noticed, unfortunately, is that my stabs have glanced almost every single time. This shouldn't be an issue when I have 7 powerstrike. What I've found is that the only time they are useful is either when fighting swordcav or when both you and your enemy are running straight towards eachother.

Another thing I'd recommend is to get good at directional blocking. For me, at least, it just came with practice, to the point where it's reflex based. Since a shield slows your swings when it's equipped, don't be afraid to put it on your back, especially when dueling, and even more so when fighting swordcav.

Finally, train yourself to not be tricked by holds and feinting. When in a team fight (almost always), learn to recognize when you're in danger of being hit. Many two handers are decent at switching targets, so when you try to swing at them when they have a swing readied, they'll just turn slightly and hit you.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: How to Help Cav and Ranged Help You
« on: August 01, 2012, 03:03:38 am »
I could care less about K/D, it's the multiplyer that I want. What does it matter if they "steal" a kill, if you have a X5?

Suggestions Corner / Re: New Skill: Recovery/Resilience
« on: July 30, 2012, 10:10:29 pm »
Buffing strength isn't the way to go.

Beginner's Help and Guides / How to Help Cav and Ranged Help You
« on: July 30, 2012, 09:30:58 pm »
It happens a lot in cRPG - You're in battle, engaged in duel. Maybe only one enemy is engaged with you, or maybe 2 or 3. A friendly cav comes around and teambumps you, leaving you on the ground to be easily killed by the one(s) you were fighting. Rage ensues. Perhaps instead you get a friendly arrow in the back. Believe it or not, they are trying to help, and the path to victory is much easier to achieve with teamwork.

While some cav just can't be helped, you can at least help the competant cavalry bump your enemies for the kill. If you see a friendly cav moving in to attempt an assist bump, back away from your opponent. Hopefully, the ones you're fighting don't just facehug. This extra space will give the cav an easier bump. If you happen to be fighting one of the more aware ones, they might try to kill the friendly cav as they ride past. In this case, carefully give your enemy a nice slash in the back for their trouble, if you can.

In the case of an archer, sure, some might be a lost cause. However, if an archer is trying to help you, the best thing to do is to manuver so that they have a clear shot of your opponent's rear. While they might still miss your opponent and hit you, at least your opponent is a larger target.

In the end, archers and cav don't want to TK, they want a multiplier, and some like helping. Doing the above can help them help you.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Are Hoplites Still Viable?
« on: July 30, 2012, 03:15:29 am »
Thanks everyone, you've been quite a help, especially Zanze's post on the different polearm strengths/weaknesses. Of course, I'll still be testing it on a Skip the Fun character. In 3 days I'll be testing it out. In the meantime, would anyone like to suggest a decent build?

Edit: Whoops, forgot to check the guides section, I'll read that now, it should give me any more information that I need.

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