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Messages - Deracination

Pages: [1]
Game Balance Discussion / Re: Whack A$@ Zashi?
« on: September 27, 2012, 11:02:44 pm »
The "you should be glad that there's even X and stop asking for X to be balanced" argument is ridiculous.  It could be applied to literally anything that exists.  To put it another way, perfect should not be the enemy of good.

Paying for style is something that's done only in the case of purely aesthetic garb and equipment with poor stats.  No one fought in a wedding dress or a noble outfit and no one carried a torch into battle as their primary weapon.  That's why they're overpriced; you're paying to be ludicrous.  This should not be applicable to any Japanese-style weapons or armor currently in the game, as they were all created and used for function alone.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Whack A$@ Zashi?
« on: September 18, 2012, 05:31:37 am »
This is pretty funny.  The goalposts are at about the thousand yard line, now.  "The wakizashi's balanced."  "Ok, it's imbalanced, but they're paying for style."  "Ok, they're not so much paying for style, as paying for Japanese stuff."  "Ok, fuck Japan, Japanese stuff, and people who like Japanese stuff, but I'm not racist."

The wakizashi is stupidly overpriced and you're racist.

Faction Halls / Re: Red Lotus (RL)
« on: September 16, 2012, 12:33:26 pm »
Hey, I'm Qelsalar in-game, now Koyakunin Qelsalar. 

I was playing goalie on my archer (Arokae).  I passed it out of the goal to a nearby teammate, who began to run it forward.  Meanwhile, an unarmored teammate with a club that had spent a fair amount of time behind our goal or in the corner ran up, clubbed the teammate that was trying to be productive with the ball, and took the ball.  He ran back behind our goal towards the corner.  Note that there were no enemies for a LONG way.  So, seeing a guy club a teammate and then run off with the ball in the worst direction possible, I shot him.  He had taken a hit already from the teammate who had had the ball clubbed away from him, so he died.  After that, I was booted and banned.  I think I had had one prior report in the match before for being an idiot and shooting into a far-away crowd of enemies and teammates.  I stopped doing that, but now I'm banned for trying to keep someone from ruining the game for us.

cRPG Technical problems / Most recent patch is causing mayhem
« on: March 26, 2012, 12:37:20 pm »
I updated using the launcher about a week ago after a few-month break from Warband.  It worked fine and I played on the servers for a while.  Then, after the latest patch, Warband as a whole stopped working.  Starting it up in cRPG would crash immediately, and native would crash after the first loading bar finished.  I ended up deleting cRPG, messing with a lot of settings, and deleting rgl_config.txt.  That made native work, but now I'm getting ridiculous amounts of lag in native and every other mod, lag I had never had before.  Now, after uninstalling cRPG, I made sure to get the most up-to-date launcher (which is REALLY hard to find), and went about reinstalling.  The launcher launched, and would download up to a certain point before freezing.  It was never the same point, and cancelling and restarting or closing and re-opening would start the whole download over again.  I also noticed that there were no files appearing in the mod directory mid-download, although the folder was created.  I tried that several times, with no success, before finding the unofficial launcher.  That stopped mid-download several times before FINALLY completing.  Now, using the mod created by that launcher, the mod launches, but again crashes as soon as the first loading bar completes.  I uninstalled this newest installation and try an older official launcher.  That works without a hitch, lets me launch the game fine, loads, and lets me connect to a server.  I now have about 400 ping, which spikes to 600 occasionally.  This is about double the previously-increased lag amount; I was originally under 100 ping, then I went to over 200, and now I'm over 400.  I have no idea what this patch has done to my game, but I'm really confused.

Suggestions Corner / Non-random upkeep
« on: August 14, 2011, 02:56:08 pm »
It seems to me that having items randomly break doesn't really make anyone happy.  I can't imagine any benefit this system has over giving items a constant per-minute upkeep outside of realism.  If there were a set upkeep, people would be able to know how much armor they could support while making a certain profit or taking a certain loss.  Conversely, they would know what multiplier they would need to support certain equipment.  The numbers could be set such that you can support 23,000 gold of equipment on a 1.9x multiplier, the same as it is now, which would be paying 0.413% in upkeep per minute.  It would make people happy, reduce confusion, and reduce the tilt-hate.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Equipment Screen
« on: August 14, 2011, 02:45:56 pm »
Digglez, he and I meant it's nice to see the full armor, boots, gloves, and helmet combo together.  I know I've gotten combos before only to find out there was some weird collision between the meshes or the two chainmails were slightly different colors.  Everyone knows your outfit has to match to provide full armor bonus.

Suggestions Corner / Equipment Screen
« on: August 13, 2011, 06:13:31 pm »
A few things:

All the weapons have two "weapon length" stats.  I'm not sure if anyone uses the weapon length stat for projectiles (arrows, bolts, thrown) at all.

You can't search items by difficulty, which is pretty handy if you're planning future gear along with your future build.

There's no way to really know what weapons can and can't block as well as which can only be couched.  Well, you can ask people, but a tag on those items would be nice.

Also, I'm not sure how big of a project it'd be, but an equipment planner would be nice.  If someone's feeling particularly awesome, being able to preview the combined appearance of a particular outfit would be amazing :D

Suggestions Corner / Re: long spear, pike, lance and heavy lance
« on: August 13, 2011, 06:07:18 pm »
I don't really have a problem with the balance of these; I understand it's a lot harder to use a weapon only effective if you spin like a ballerina.  Getting stabbed by them turning sideways and moving the shaft through my torso is just cheesy looking, though.  I think, if anything, you could just give it side-swing as well as overhead animations that had hitboxes along the whole pole for blunt damage as well as a stab whose hitbox was only the tip and did piercing.  Dunno how the coding for that'd work, though.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Upkeep Solution - Hear me out
« on: August 13, 2011, 05:57:37 pm »
I can't see anything wrong with it.  One thing: I'm not sure if it'd be a problem coding-wise, but if you could increase the difficulty of the bots depending on the average/total gear cost of the players, then it might encourage people to not wear full plate all the time.

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