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Messages - Bill The Butcher

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: A Parry Bot
« on: February 06, 2011, 09:18:34 pm »
Would be better if it was randomized...does duel still give XP?

General Discussion / Re: Going to retire as cav/pole looming suggestions?
« on: February 06, 2011, 09:02:57 pm »
My only hesitation with Lance is I'll get bored of playing pole...I'm thinking +2 on mail mittens might be worth it. That will work on any build I use in the future.

General Discussion / Going to retire as cav/pole looming suggestions?
« on: February 06, 2011, 08:45:07 pm »
Already have a nice loomed Rouncy. I love it, it's like a destrier for half price. Here are my thoughts:

Loom a lance: for extra damage
Loom a courser: if i'm lancing, a fast loomed courser should help me out quite a bit.

Looming armor seems silly since it's fun to play dress up. Any obvious ideas for something else to loom to complement my cav build? Maybe something like leather gloves?

Right, but pure couching and then fail on the ground is not what i'm looking for. So i'm thinking pure pole, then on cav only maps i can switch to a more "2h like" pole.

You don't really need any polearm wpf to couch. It really only helps on horseback if you plan on using your lance against other cavalry, since you can thrust decently against footmen with just 1 point in it.

I've heard pole users talk about putting WPF in to 1 hand, is that only if you use shield? Am I safe just pouring all WPF into pole? I'm thinking of going pure polearm - couch and spear from my 2H char...if you can't beat them, join them right?

General Discussion / Re: What do you think about autobalance by banner?
« on: January 24, 2011, 09:32:15 pm »
What you don't want ol' Bill joining your x5 party?

I think it would be better if it only worked on people who shared at least two consecutive letters in their name.

General Discussion / Re: What do you think about autobalance by banner?
« on: January 24, 2011, 07:53:17 pm »
It's great, I changed my banner to one I always see winning now the 5x is rolling in!  :lol:

General Discussion / Re: Am I crazy to use a Sarranid axe from horseback?
« on: January 24, 2011, 01:39:01 pm »
You only get a penalty with 2h that can be used as 1h like bastard, morningstar, ecc while equipped with shield as far as I know.

That would make more sense to me as well. I never have noticed a 30% damage reduction.

General Discussion / Re: Am I crazy to use a Sarranid axe from horseback?
« on: January 24, 2011, 02:58:54 am »
I have a horse every round and have went from 38k to 100k since patch. Now it's a shitty rouncy that is luckily loomed, but still. I'm on a horse!

Also -- I usually rambo and die in the first 2 minutes which helps my repair rate.

General Discussion / Re: Am I crazy to use a Sarranid axe from horseback?
« on: January 23, 2011, 09:33:33 pm »
Ugh bar mace is 5k and short, I think i'm better off with my current set up:

Scale Armor
Mail Coif
Leather Gloves
Mail Chausses
Heavy Rouncy
Sarranid Battle Axe
22k = still make $$

General Discussion / Re: Am I crazy to use a Sarranid axe from horseback?
« on: January 23, 2011, 09:27:44 pm »
Not an awful idea, I think i'll buy one and test it out. Need something to loom once i hit 31, since Heavy Rouncy gets worse after a loom.

I see a few on EU who use the bar mace from horseback.

General Discussion / Re: Am I crazy to use a Sarranid axe from horseback?
« on: January 23, 2011, 09:14:41 pm »
Maybe the days of 2H cav are over...I'm the only one on NA I see, everyone else is polearms...

General Discussion / Re: Am I crazy to use a Sarranid axe from horseback?
« on: January 23, 2011, 09:13:01 pm »
Ah, that explains why I was sucking so bad with morningstar post patch :)

The crushthrough+speed bonus instakill? That was removed though...

General Discussion / Am I crazy to use a Sarranid axe from horseback?
« on: January 23, 2011, 09:09:06 pm »
I've been enjoying my 2H cav character, and recently decided to switch off morning star to Sarranid Battle Axe. It's 45 cut (no one has plate anymore so cut damage is fine), it has a long reach... Was there something special about morning star which made it such a favorite 2h cav weapon? Because I'm getting way more kills with this nice shiny axe, yet I'm the only one I see using it from horseback.

Exactly, I try to miss all the guys I can, but if there is a line of people and I can't jump them, someone may get knocked down.

The inf is mostly likely just going to hide behind a wall for 5 minutes. For cav it's either break out instantly or wait a minute or two for everyone to get engaged.

Waiting 20 seconds can be the difference between a quick attack they dont expect killing 4 guys, and facing a town with pikes at every entrance rendering you useless.

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