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Messages - Tasorin

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Boycott the community servers.
« on: August 24, 2011, 01:54:26 am »
Donk is a like or loath kinda guy.

Trolls, Ass clowns, and Kid Pubbies, usually hate him.

I have known Donk for many years now. He is a "Go Do" machine.

Once the plan is in place, you turn Donk loose with guidelines and get out of the way.

This is what you are beginning to see now.

I guarantee that if you actually talk to him 1:1 and are civil, the problem is solved 99% of the time.

I wouldn't be surprised to see this poll split down the middle.

Especially because most cRPG people are not use too or ready for a Donktatorship.

The KGB GSS has specifically left this poll alone so as  not to meta-game the results.


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