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Messages - vocab

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Strategus General Discussion / Re: Shogunate Battle Footage
« on: July 30, 2011, 04:55:47 pm »
Wow. LLJK stepped up their game like crazy. I'm pretty sure gaga, and friends spent the last week at the library reading Sun Tzu and now they are just an unstoppable force. Look at the organization, look at their formation! If this isn't high level game play, then I don't know what is. Grats LLJK. You put in the time, and it surely showed that you have the superior army.

Diplomacy / Re: Defiance (DFC) attacks Among the Shadows (ATS)
« on: July 30, 2011, 01:52:23 am »

who let sperg play

Most deaths was either 2-3. I scraped 4 people in a row, and the battle was over. ATS wouldn't of lasted on legit terms.

Diplomacy / Re: Defiance (DFC) attacks Among the Shadows (ATS)
« on: July 30, 2011, 01:14:30 am »
Well, that just proved strat is total garbage.

General Discussion / Server Lag. Needs to be adressed.
« on: May 04, 2011, 07:50:05 am »
I know that the recent steam sale brought a huge influx of new people, and the new CRPG patch brought a bunch of people I haven't seen in a few months back. However, some nasty server lag has plagued the servers with above 70 players. It wasn't like this pre patch/pre influx even with 70-80, but the lag is really making some of the servers unplayable. Everyone's ping jumps 20-40 higher than usual, and it's stable.  Go on Siege when there's above 70 players. Try to feint. Doesn't work. Try to block properly. Doesn't work most of the time. You'll get hit by things outside of your hit box that doesn't make a bit of sense. It's ghetto M&B at its finest.

Bunch of people in the server were also complaining, but they were still playing. I asked Tydeus if he was getting this lag, and he told me it's really bad on his end too. Is something wrong server side? Did CRPG attempt to adjust the netcode and break everything in the process? I can only play with under 60 people.

 Any insight to this problem would be great.

Screaming Trees - Aka I'm playing Crysis. This map is probably the worst map in the whole lineup. Too much foliage. Night time Screaming Trees is almost unplayable. You cannot see shit unless you crank the brightness and contrast to burn your monitor out to even see swings.

Cathedral - aka why do I have frame drops everywhere in this map. Unoptimized, too much running around, and just not very good. One side goes outside to the desert, while other team goes into cathedral. Becomes a turtle fest in way too many situations.

Bay keep - aka Why the fuck did I just die as soon as I spawned. Very one sided map. One team spawns next to stairs, while the other team just takes pot shots at the whole team thats walking up the stairs. A lot of ladder shenanigans also happen on this map. The top section to get to the other side becomes a camping grounds for all ranged.

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