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Messages - kooktar

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General Discussion / Re: CRPG MEME REQUEST
« on: September 17, 2015, 12:23:20 am »
I happened to stumble across this on imgur. You're welcum.

General Discussion / Re: Describe crpg with gifs
« on: September 10, 2015, 09:38:03 pm »
That moment when you realize Pepe has bested you in a test of wills on the cRPG forums:

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General Discussion / Re: Describe crpg with gifs
« on: September 10, 2015, 09:31:51 pm »
For you to feel the need to post an answer about the fact that you topscore everyday leads me to believe infact you are a bad. I'm fucking noob at this game and I can't post a single SS of me topping the scoreboards. Fucking scrubby taint smellin' euros.

And i m more gay than you !

*facepalm* Damn Pepe I liked reading your posts. Now I will have to alter mine to read: "Fucking scrubby taint smellin' DUMB euros." Why did you of all people have to bite on the hook soo hard... or wait.... am I? I couldn't possibly! NOOOOOOOOOOO!

General Discussion / Re: Describe crpg with gifs
« on: September 10, 2015, 08:53:29 pm »
I just want to post this image, because Bonk was saying how bad me and my clanmates were.

For you to feel the need to post a SS of your KDR for a round to justify the fact that you're not a bad leads me to believe infact you are a bad. I'm fucking amazing at this game and I've never posted a SS of me constantly topping the scoreboards. Fucking scrubby taint smellin' euros.

General Discussion / Re: 4 Heirloomed Items for New Players
« on: August 18, 2015, 09:40:17 pm »
I'll say this, i've been playing this game for 5 years, and I have 4 +3 items to my name. I know its my fault i always respec'd and only until recently (last year) i started gen grinding. However, I feel like I wish I had those free looms tho I was never able to get them. I would actually use those weapons.

General Discussion / Times they are a changin'
« on: June 23, 2015, 04:24:16 pm »
Its been a while since I've perused these forums. It appears that there is an engaged community lead development team which is great. All that being said, you all are welcome.

the game has been shit from the beginning, depending on who you ask. every patch, people complain. there will never be a day when the entire community agrees on anything. whatever changes you think are gonna fix everything and everyone will be happy, doesn't exist. nobody new to crpg is gonna give a shit about the things people playig for years give a shit about. if by some miracle someone who saw the kickstarter video actually plays crpg, they will not have the same opinions you or anyone else here have, because it will all be new and exciting. whatever details about crpg you think are going to ruin potential mbg buyers chances of doing so, don't exist for anyone but you and an easily ignorable number of people here.

there is and never has been any such thing as a "fixed" crpg. people have different opinions and will til crpg is gone, mbg has come and gone, you are gone, everyone is gone.

get over it.

Dooz, when you say fixing cRPG, you get flashbacks of the countless QQ posts about X spec needing Y nerf. To me these are balance issues, its the way the game is and everyone has a level playing field.

When I say fixing cRPG, i'm talking about peoples heads floating infront of them, abundant texture errors on load, completely unplayable gameplay due to a broken team balancing system (10v25).

I want them to fix the mod so if people watch their video and take the time to download it and play it, they see it for its greatness. Not its recent debacles.

I think the answer to that is the main goal of the OPs original post. Its a shame after 13 pages his question hasn't been answered yet but, ya got people complaining about 2h stab and how to nerf archery.

You got the pro M:BG dev team folks and QQing cRPGers crew arguing blindly with no basis for their arguements just the passion in their hearts. If it hasn't occured to the readers already i am pro M:BG. The problem is people instantly see a little bit of friction as the worst thing possible and h8 h8 h8. I want M:BG to succeed, and if that means people view me as the bad guy for pointing out issues so be it.

But when in a professional video you literally tell people to use your old game as a reference point and slap your name on it. If the game is shit it reflects on you as a studio regardless if you don't want to believe it does.

If fixing the numerous issues in cRPG will bring a good light upon M:BG then I feel it needs to be done.


Glad to see you have conceded the point. Going back to my original facts(no valid rebuttals have been posted):

#1) It does matter. The state of cRPG has an impact on how people view M:BG, as was plugged in their video as a point of reference to be used.
#2) The dev team doesn't care about this community or the mod. CMP just reclarified this a page or two back. They are 100% devoted to M:BG, which is totally fine if not for fact #1

you misunderstand. you retracting or not your statement doesn't matter. your statements in general, don't matter. nobody that's going to or not going to buy mbg when the time comes is going to know what you said or why or who you even are. as far as mbg goes at the very least, you don't matter. whether or not you buy it, doesn't matter. whether or not you keep playing crpg? you guessed it.

So if one key point in their pitch doesn't matter, then one could assume the rest of the points they make as to why M:BG will be a need to have game also do not matter. While I agree that you, others, this thread, this forum, this whatever, does not matter with respect to M:BGs success. I whole heartly disagree that it does not matter what the state of the game is.

They are basically saying, go download this game and play, see how awesome (or in this case not awesome) it is. This is what M:BG will be like, only way fucking better.

If they never plugged cRPG in their kickstarter this wouldn't even be an issue, but they did. And thus it does matter breh.

it doesn't matter

Im sorry but it pretty much does matter. When you have something which you are comparing your new game to as 'the spiritual successor to cRPG mod' it matters what that thing is. Potential new investor watches video. 'Wow so cool! Let me google this cRPG they reference.' Maybe even get the game to test it out and get face smashed with a ton of errors and broken gameplay. Animations/flags/team balancer. Then they are like is this what M:BG is gonna be like? Eugh.

Do you guys remember when the kickstarter launched cRPG mod got this sweet new cRPG/M:BG hybrid loading screen? Which was then quickly reverted back to the old loading screen? Wonder why they took their name off the first thing you see when you load the game up? Did it have anything to do with the state of the game? If it didn't matter why would they remove their M:BG plug from the cRPG launcher?

Oh thats right... it matters.

key word: past

Hah, well Dooz, if in their kickstarter they said the cRPG they were refering to was some ancient build when they gave a fuck, and the build that people would find if they google'd cRPG mod was to be disregarded, I would retract my statement.

In short it means that if people look at this forum and read your posts and then see that you will not be playing M:BG, it makes M:BG extra appealing. The fact that you don't like the dev team or the way they work, makes you a walking advertisement for M:BG.

Regardless of the trash talk a few facts remain that no one can dispute (has yet to form a rebuttal):

1. Noone outside of this insular self-important community knows or cares enough about cRPG in 2015 to judge a new game by this standard.
2. From the horses mouth they want to make a good game, not come back to cater to the vocal and needy 0.1% of an old project who won't let them move on with their career. If they fix what you as an individual consider to be the *only* current issues with the mod you think everyone else in the forum will suddenly decide mod is perfect and let Donkey Crew work on their game? Of course not. Someone else will have a complaint, or suddenly realize that the mod isn't perfect even with all the changes they could possibly want implemented.

Oh I will be playing, and never once did I say I didn't like the dev team, I disagree with how they are handling things, so please don't put words in my mouth.

Anyone who isn't a freemium child on their parents iPhones buying coins will investigate the history of the dev team, and someone mentioned steam, pretty sure everyone on steam checks the reviews before purchasing.

I also agree that the cRPG for the most part will be hindrance to M:BGs growth as the community as a whole sucks. Even you are part of that know-it-all elitist group of forum posters, hence why you were attempting to speak for me. So you can pretend that you are better somehow, or know more than others, but the fact remains that you don't.

As for the cRPG fixes, im not talking about balancing. Literally is there engine work going on? I saw a new polearm animation created. Im sorry but changing values in a database to 'balance' items I can't really see being difficult. I'm talking about this team handed off their baby to a select few people, who then proceeded to run it into the ground. Shitty deliveries are unexcusable. Bugs that come up are expected, but to not even be able to launch a game without seeing a billion errors literally says they never even tested it once. And who picked these guys to be incharge of this stuff? The donkeys, so they are ultimately at fault.

The other reason is they plugged cRPG in their kickstarter for hype. I have a problem with out of one side of their mouths they are saying look at our past work, this is why M:BG will be great. And out of the other side of their mouth they say, this shitified mod isn't our problem deal with it. You can't have it both ways.

Welp, ya guys can bash me personally all ya want on the interwebs, I could really care less. It is your human right to do so thanks to the Murcians that pulled Europe's ass out of the einstein fire. Otherwise you all would be wearin' lederhosen and chompin on a braut instead of internet tough guying and avoiding the OPs topic.

Other than heskey, who has tried to argue that bad PR is actually good PR (confusing I know), none of you have been able to make a legitimate argument for your cases.

Regardless of the trash talk a few facts remain that no one can dispute (has yet to form a rebuttal):

#1) cRPG is a reflection of this development team. For good or bad its a fact, and at this point in time its a bad reflection.
#2) From the horses mouth they do not care about you, even if you are defending them as singing their praises. Look back at the first page of this post. This is a great strategy for big business who are in the openly traded market. Only one thing matters and it is the stockholders. Problem here boys is this company is private, and their gaming community are their investors, but yet they only see you as a dollar bill.

That being said, why would someone who is able to think for themselves want to be a party of the crowd-funding program? Or for that matter purchase the game?

Whoa didn't realize they replaced the chocolate chip cookie leader's name with einstein. Are they trying to say this man who sent millions of Jews to their deaths was a genius? Einstein and genius are pretty synonymous.

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