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Messages - AEF_ROSEN

Pages: [1] 2
Other / Re: AU_cRPG_BB
« on: March 22, 2012, 05:37:39 am »
very well and good to see people solving there issues between each other etc.

But learn from it and dont do it again... only a fool slaps you and then apologizes only to do it again a couple of weeks later >.>

The amount of racism on the server is disgusting imo

Buy / WTB +2/+3 Danish Greatsword
« on: January 07, 2012, 11:10:43 am »
As stated im looking for either of them.

pm your price and ill get back to you.

Sell/Trade / Re: Selling Loom point (thrower)
« on: January 05, 2012, 02:17:43 am »
lol, ive had my fun with! great times

But within our small community other people followed suit and the age of the shield-er came back and we were slaughtered left right and centre.

that my friend is the current state of the Australian community, shielder haven lol.

Anyways we are a little of topic, lets see what people offer me.

Shpritza: ill change it to pm me an offer then for the community sake :)

Sell/Trade / Re: Selling Loom point (thrower)
« on: January 05, 2012, 12:25:39 am »
Why dont you go and sell a throwing loom point then for 500k?

im the one that suffered thru 31 levels of throwing (my own decision) so i reserve the right to state a price for an high demand low quantity item.

Before flaming me about making the prices high, rethink what you have posted just because i post 600k (maybe i get that) the next person will not. It's the buyers that put prices up not the sellers, Why sell for 300k when you know someone will buy for 600k? common sense really.

once demand goes down so does the prices or the demand is out weighted by supply

Sell/Trade / Re: Selling Loom point (thrower)
« on: January 04, 2012, 11:41:03 pm »
i dont understand the rage here when other loom points are going for 500k-575k?

Other / Re: AEF_CRPG_AUS
« on: January 04, 2012, 11:25:25 pm »
I dont wish you start more issues.

I wanted to confirm with other admins before making a post. But as we have stated that you have been banned at least twice already. Your request has been Denied.

Rules broken:
Team killing
Team wounding
Abusive Chat (trolling)
Spawning without weapon

Thanks for your reading

Sell/Trade / Selling Loom point (thrower)
« on: January 04, 2012, 11:00:57 pm »
Str 21
Power Throw 7

PM me an offer or contact me below

Already 31.

Pm me your interest or state ur offer in the thread.

Also, for quality sake, im a AEF Australian admin on our crpg server and many of the guys there would back up my trustworthiness.

Teamspeak 3:
Steam: neumann229

thanks for reading

Buy / Re: Buying difficulty 5 throwing loom point.
« on: January 02, 2012, 10:16:31 pm »

Other / Re: AEF_CRPG_AUS
« on: December 29, 2011, 10:56:44 am »
ban request has been denied from my judgement of your behavior in game as well as puko's

If it does continue ill be talking to the other admins about a ban.

thanks for bring this to our attention


Other / Re: AEF_CRPG_AUS
« on: December 29, 2011, 09:16:23 am »
thanks for the concern.

- Ill speak to him
- I wont be banning him as you were both at fault

Other / Re: AEF_CRPG_AUS
« on: December 17, 2011, 07:38:22 am »
HAHAHA God I love AEF.
Have you unbanned Gravskift yet?
His ban should be up by now.
ages ago man !

Buy / Buying a Throwing Spears (600k)
« on: December 14, 2011, 12:34:01 am »
You just need to have

18 Strength
6 Power throw

for the item i want the

Throwing Spears +1

Other / Re: AEF_CRPG_AUS
« on: December 12, 2011, 02:29:08 pm »
Unless the crpg admin menu has changed, I believe there is an option to force certain players into spectator. From there you can have private discussions with them without involving the entire server arguing. You should consider doing this instead of using the pink admin text because it only concerns one person and nobody else needs to get involved in the dispute.
Most of the time, if you don't want a problem to escalate... you need to handle it discreetly and with high standard of professionalism and care.

im here to game aswell, im not going to sit there and pull everyone aside and talk to them like a child.

Callum and Palleto hacker? Tell me more...,15826.0.html - callum #6 - palleto #12 need i say more?

Cheers for answering your own question before you ask it Rosen, saves me from doing so.

And why does that allow rule breakers to continue AFTER two bans to use our server? why because we get around 20-40 at peak during the week? i can see your point but you can also see mine! rule breakers get dealt with and if they continue then we wont have to deal with them again.

I don't think we'd have as much of a problem with you if you weren't all a bunch of hypocrites.

How? on what grounds are we 'hypocrites' AEF members follow the rules to my understanding and if they dont then they are dealt with internally and then a punishment is given. whether it be a ban or a good talking to.

What you constitute admin abuse is defined by you and yours. Chris Crocker wouldn't take offense to things I've said to you. No "abuse" i've thrown at you has even approached some of the things you kids have said to me. It breaks no core rules and as a former admin for cRPG and other Warband servers, having experienced all the community can throw at me at great personal time and expense, I say suck it up princess.

Firstly, well done! you have done a great thing for the WB community! wow would have never have thought you..mord to be an crpg admin..... oh wait thats right! you WERE. this doesnt give you the right to look down upon how i do my admining. im open to constructive criticism but just blunty saying suck it up doesnt cut it im afraid. all i can say to you in return is that i have never personally attacked yourself and besides that you have never been banned so my next question from the rosen handbook is.. why the fuck are you even posting in here? to just keep complaining? sobbing about how we admin OUR server? frankly its non of your business if you are going to continue complaining without mature advice then bugger off.

Dont forget you are a community member here. Not an admin and you are trying to boss someone elses server admins around. whether frankly you are not needed.

from your friendly c-rpg admin

Other / Re: AEF_CRPG_AUS
« on: December 12, 2011, 09:27:40 am »
- There is nothing wrong with the server.
- The admin team could definitely improve their presentation and methods of communicating. (You should never mention someone's punishments publicly or use it as a way to put them down)
- There is an appeals process if you feel you've been mistreated.
- You don't get in trouble if you do nothing wrong.
this type of feedback is great! constructive criticism guys!

not.. stating that in your opinion that the AEF is shit

Also point two, Why not? if someone is abusing the rules why cant i state that they are breaking them? name and shame, e.g. callum and palleto should have HACKER next to their name forever, cant do the time dont do the crime!

Other / Re: AEF_CRPG_AUS
« on: December 12, 2011, 06:24:38 am »
The only people I see complaining about AEF server is the people who break the rules.How could these people possibly run a server when they cant even keep a clan together longer then a month?

LGN were ok, some broke rules but overall good blokes

PK biggest trolls and down right immature fools

lgn+PK= spat on all good LGN members

And now a new clan YRD formed by the same guys that are all bent on 'AEF sucks'


We enforce our rules because whether you like it or not... we need to keep a server open for the Australian community and id rather be slapped silly then let our connection d/c from the master server because of excessive trolls/rule breaks etc by a group of total tards. AEF_crpg server is different from the massive EU and NA servers because we get at max 30 players.. its a tight community so no other admins from the other servers can sit here and think they know it all with out coming in as a AEF admin.

Imagine every crpg forum user looking into the AEF unban/ban thread and viewing all this rubbish! it gives an wrong impression that we are assholes to all members! we are not... we get all the trolls from our server on here with the express mission to stop the AEF hosting a server we offer them for free i might add. Its all good for you Pk, TRG, LPK guys as you guys have zero rep as asshats but as the AEF community is trying to keep a head over the common clan that forms without forums/teamspeak/gameservers... i dont know what it is, but it just seems you are so bored with yourself you and your mates say i know lets hate AEF and bring down the only aussie server so we can MAYBE have our own and be kings! oh its great for your self esteem.

Being an admin in among immature individuals is tough at times and every mute,kick and ban is criticized by select members of the server and then disputed like we are the bad guys. What is the number one rule of c-RPG common sense but some people seem to lack it!

Why should we give the public or our members more than 2 chances for repeated rule breaking? why should our team of admins have to deal with the trolls again and again and again? Do you know how stupid that is? we are not your babysitters! we are admins to make sure we have a active server and that follows the rules. We follow the same rules as the community servers in NA/EU as this will grantee our connection the the master server! without grey areas... But if you are ... dimwitted then ill break down the punishments for you.

1. Muted? then shut up and think before you type! (racism/trolling/excessive swearing)
2. Kicked? playing AFK when the last alive... unreachable areas...or team killing. not spawn with weapon even after being told. Rage polling without reason!
3. Ban? excessive swearing (repeated muted over a length of time) continual team killing

These are the basics! not the full rules but are the most common broken rules.

As for you mord! you have been warned many times for admin abuse and trolling! so dont play the good guy because it isnt you!

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