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Messages - robotbrains

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Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: 1h + shield, need help
« on: July 19, 2011, 10:34:22 am »
True. Thanks for the advice.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: 1h + shield, need help
« on: July 19, 2011, 10:29:41 am »
7 PS, 7 IF, 5 shield, 5 ATH, 5 WM.

I wear light kuyak, nordic warlord helm and mail gauntlets with leather boots and I'm still quite fast, so I guess you could go even higher than that.

loveing those skills. im going that.
 i think il get the light Kuyak with the Pigface Klappvisier. thanks.

what weapon do you use? right now im using the Italian. enjoying the speed. with the shield its not hard to close the distance either. just with the bastard sword didn't get that penalty when using it as 1h.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: 1h + shield, need help
« on: July 19, 2011, 10:24:53 am »
Thanks again both for the reply. Very helpful.

I think im going to go pure 1h + shield with this guy. make a cav later on.

and if im going 7 IF what would my other Skills be?

and as for armor i love the blue tunic over mail for my lower money making gear.
but for my better armor should i go medium over high?
basically Heavy or light Kuyak over Orange Transitional Armor with Surcoat.

because i feel if i get the Transitional Armor with Surcoat i should go 18/18 and 21/15 seems very sweet.
would the Transitional Armor with Surcoat slow me down allot over the Heavy/light Kuyak.
and on that note will the heavy slow me down noticeably over the light kuyak.

sorry for all the questions. long time mount and blade player, first time cRPG.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: 1h + shield, need help
« on: July 19, 2011, 07:25:10 am »
thanks for the reply!

yeah im still trying to decide between IF or cav.

i think i may play right now for a bit to see how well i can do with one of the shields you recommended.
if i can last, i may go Orange Transitional Armor with Surcoat for those special occasions and keep wearing my Blue Tunic over Mail.

what do you think between 18/18 or 21/15
the hard part is picking what one. im thinking more foot because i do allot of siege. but i would like to get into battle.

and about pole arms. would you recommend a hybrid?

and thanks so much.

i picked up a bastard sword in battle with a shield and i loved it, other than the slow speed... i am use to the Italian swords speed tho.
and that "30% speed and damage (roughly)" is that just because your using a two handed as a one handed?

Beginner's Help and Guides / 1h + shield, need help
« on: July 19, 2011, 04:48:47 am »

I am making a 1h + shield and have a few questions about the build.

this is what i got right now.

lvl 19

1h 113

PS 4
Shield 3
Ath 3
WM 3
with 7 skill points waiting to be used.

my ending result i was thinking of was

1h + shield - 21/15 or 18/18
  2 pts converted
    Ironflesh 7
    Power Strike 7
    Shield 5
    Athletics 5
    Weapon master  5

or a 1h + shield with cavalry. maybe even a hybrid 1h + shield, pole-arm with cavalry.
with the hybrid being around 130 1h and 100 pole-arm

21/15 or 18/18
Ironflesh   0   
Power Strike   6   
Shield   5   
Athletics   6   
Riding   6   
Weapon master  6

basically is Ironflesh worth it when i have a shield? I am also not bad at blocking when i lose it.

for top gear i was looking at Orange Transitional Armor with Surcoat Armor and a Pigface Klappvisier Helm
what weight should my armor be for a good 1h + shield?

i was also looking at the bastard sword as i love it as a 1h weapon. i figure if i get the Plate Covered Round Shield i wont have the issue of using it as a 2 handed.
also i find the bastard sword would work great on a horse if i decide to go that way, wont have to use a pole-arm.

thanks for any help.

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