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Messages - Carl101lee

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Help All my gear has gone?
« on: July 18, 2011, 10:36:20 pm »
Lets see i have just noticed this in my messages window?

Me     c0meatmebr0     marketplace transaction   does this mean this  B?????? robbed me????

Any one?

General Discussion / Help All my gear has gone?
« on: July 18, 2011, 10:29:38 pm »
Help Me

I have only been away form the game for a month or 2 and i have just instaleed the new patch and findly setup my accounts onto 1 profile, how ever on one opf my charectors all my gear has gone? My level 30 charector has only the basic stuff witch he didnt even have before???? Some one please tell me that the hell happend - is there an error or has some one robbed me, witch i didnt even know you coould do, but i guess it this new market place stuff?

Shorly this new password system is even worse if you know some ones user name u can just login as them and reset there password in game??? or am i not getting this?

Some one please tell me whats happend here? As my second charector is fine?

THanks for the help
Carl Lee

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