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Messages - Kalanie

Pages: [1]
Sell/Trade / Selling loom point / 550k
« on: December 22, 2011, 07:35:22 pm »
Selling loom point to a respectable/known person/trader.  8-)

5 PD
(3 skill points at your disposal for w/e you might need them for)

Message me on board, or steam.


Sell/Trade / == SELLING LOOM POINT == 550k
« on: November 28, 2011, 08:56:32 am »
Selling loompoint to a RESPECTABLE trader/player for 550k

Stats: 15/24 5 PD 8 RIDING
Contact: forum message/steam: Kalzu100

*Hails*  :)

I think the biggest problem is with the massive amount of archers roaming around. EU1 = 20 archers hiding behind 3 rocks/roof/hill 5 minutes a row - No light cavalry can survive long enough to counter mass archers, or its just not possible due ladders or terrain to harass them. Id say only way to distract the archers long enough is to have heavy cav trample around if the map is flat enough for them to be useful, even that is getting difficult due bodkin change and rarely favorable terrain.

Another thing i dislike a lot with current map rotation are maps where archers can control half of the map from one location. I do not have problems with buildings, or hills, or ladders as much as i have with few archers being able to cover too much ground. There should be good spots to shoot but you shouldn't be able to control half of the map from one location that is unreachable, or the archer numbers are so high you simply cannot show your face without 8 PD bodkin spammers eating you alive in matter of seconds.  All infantry maps have turned into archery maps, which makes playing cav ever more annoying.

Im not too worried about balance. Im not too worried about getting killed by archers, that's part of the game. Its just the current situation is killing the fun. Terrain, ladders, start with those if you want to make people play more or hack skyrim. :)


woot double post :)

I think the biggest problem is with the massive amount of archers roaming around. EU1 = 20 archers hiding behind 3 rocks/roof/hill 5 minutes a row - No light cavalry can survive long enough to counter mass archers, or its just not possible due ladders or terrain to harass them. Id say only way to distract the archers long enough is to have heavy cav trample around if the map is flat enough for them to be useful, even that is getting difficult due bodkin change and rarely favorable terrain.

Another thing i dislike a lot with current map rotation are maps where archers can control half of the map from one location. I do not have problems with buildings, or hills, or ladders as much as i have with few archers being able to cover too much ground. There should be good spots to shoot but you shouldn't be able to control half of the map from one location that is unreachable, or the archer numbers are so high you simply cannot show your face without 8 PD bodkin spammers eating you alive in matter of seconds.  All infantry maps have turned into archers maps, which makes playing cav ever more annoying.

Im not too worried about balance. Im not too worried about getting killed by archers, that's part of the game. Its just the current situation is killing the fun. Terrain, ladders, start with those if you want to make people play more or hack skyrim. :)


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