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Messages - SwordTheUnknown

Pages: [1]
Hello! Thanks for the very fast reply  :shock:

My Char (so far):

Age 38 [23]

Two Handed 97
9 Power Strike
9 Iron Flesh
1 Athletics
27 Str
3 Agi

What i am trying to reach is this:

Well, its an Example Build and im not sure if it's that good. Just thought the idea of 1Hitting people sounds good. Maybe you have a tip for me what i should stick for or something :/. I would even fully change the char build :D (after i retired l8er..) . Just need some idea... Thanks again for the quick answer and.. well.. maybe youve an idea for me.

Hello Guys!

First of all, i should say, that im new to M&B:WB / cRPG. Ive begun like a Week ago and im already pretty addicted lol.

Besides that:

Ive earned "alot" of Money and bought myself a Flamberge and some "Strange Armor" with some "Strange Boots" and some "Gloves" + "Strange Helmet". But then i realized, that i cannot keep up with the cost, and i sold everything. I know it was stupid lol, i should simply have unequipped the stuff :/ didnt know this back then. Well, my Question is:

What Equipment would you pick as a Pure STR 2Hander Char? Ive seriously no idea, since everything seems to be pretty expensive as soon as ive to repair it.

Does any1 have a Tip for me? Some idea what items i should go for? :(

Saying Thanks already.


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