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Messages - Kekn

Pages: [1] 2
Buy / Buying Broad Short Sword +3
« on: February 18, 2012, 04:56:37 pm »
Unless you're interested in a Byrnja, I can offer plain cash for the weapon.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Good 1h weapons.
« on: February 15, 2012, 11:09:58 am »
Yup, it's really all about finding out what kind of style fits you best. I tried out a lot of weapons before finally deciding. If you like to stay in the outer boundary of an enemy's range and rely heavily on movement, then choose a long weapon. If you're good at avoiding kicks and blocking and not afraid to go into their range, then chose a shorter but faster weapon and try get in double attacks.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: A Guide on using the Pike
« on: February 02, 2012, 06:11:15 pm »
Ohh no, pikes in C-rpg don't have the overhead anymore, it was removed. They can only thrust.

Nice, glad to hear that; yet another proof I haven't played cRPG a long time ;)

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: A Guide on using the Pike
« on: February 02, 2012, 04:35:07 pm »
I mentioned briefly that you can hit through teammates in the Large Group Fighting section, but I'll expand on it a bit. As for the stun effect, again, I mentioned it somewhere very briefly but I'll also expand on that.

I'm not talking about thrust, it's the overhead that is really deadly. Held overheads can stun a shield user in order to completely remove the shields effect - as if it wasn't there - which enables a teammate to quickly follow up with an attack that will hit clean. Furthermore, to really make this useful in a teamwork situation, you can actually make an overhead attack THROUGH your teammate and hit the enemy he is facing.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: A Guide on using the Pike
« on: February 02, 2012, 11:04:32 am »
I haven't played pikeman (yet), but I'm assuming the hitboxes are the same as native?

If so, I would say there's a part missing about how you hit through your teammate and hit the opponent as well as the stun effect on shielders which basically works as a kick - that is no retaliation, no chance of blocking.

General Discussion / Re: fair cav behavior on battle servers
« on: January 31, 2012, 12:45:40 am »
I only recently came back to cRPG, so haven't seen this thread before. I actually didn't think there was one with all the critics I have for the horsemen riding around the battlefields atm :) You summed it up nicely in the first post, Torben, when to go in and when not to!

Can't help but think, that all this could be avoided by simply NOT being able to bump friendlies. Dunno why it was developed in the first place, if it was a sense of realism or an attempt to make cavalry less useful and balance out the classes, nevertheless, I think both inf and cav would be grateful that it was removed. Or am I wrong?

Guides / Re: "The Path of Steel Shield - manual"
« on: January 19, 2012, 02:26:15 am »
Think you're right. I'm fighting with the steel beast atm and the speed with which you can feint is still based on weapon speed and WPF; NOT the shield speed. Very obvious. But there is a small difference in how fast you have to be to block an incoming attack.

Meh, people with a steel shield is mostly just holding the right mouse button all the time anyway, right? :)

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Coloured Arrows?
« on: January 17, 2012, 11:40:24 am »
Now the best mod would be (though impossible) one that made all friendly cavalry silent, so you can only hear neutral and enemy horses.

There is no such thing as friendly cavalry  :rolleyes:

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Problem with visual eye-candy
« on: January 16, 2012, 01:42:38 pm »
thanks; btw, since when?  :o

Beginner's Help and Guides / Problem with visual eye-candy
« on: January 16, 2012, 01:20:31 pm »
The design and links on the website is suddenly all screwed up for me. Did they change something fundamental on the character page that would make all links appear in some distant corner and the messages pop-up appear out of screen?  :|

Sell/Trade / [Sell/Trade] Deadly Steel Pick SOLD
« on: January 11, 2012, 03:36:58 pm »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Deadly Steel Pick
weight: 2.4
difficulty: 12
speed rating: 100
weapon length: 64
thrust damage: 0 pierce
swing damage: 35 pierce
slots: 1
Secondary Mode

This monster will eat tincans alive. Take down black armored enemies in just 2 strikes!

Looking for a speedy Niuweidao, a sturdy steel shield or alternatively Liuyedao. If you have the cash, make an offer!

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Game mechanic megathread!
« on: January 09, 2012, 11:33:21 am »
Armor weight
Armor weight modified proficiency = base proficiency * (1 - 0.01 * effective armor weight)
Effective armor weight = 3*head armor weight + body armor weight + leg armor weight + 2*hand armor weight - 7
(Source: WaltF4)

This means that every point of effective armor weight over 7 reduces your wpf by 1%. So 130 wpf with 8 armor weight is actually 0.99 * 130 = 128.7 wpf
Just to get rid of any misunderstandings; not armor, it's armor weight :)

They weren't in native either. Shield wall? Seriously, some have watched too many movies like 300!

Cohesion, yes, this is the key, but is that equal to shield wall? NO! What you get from a shield wall is mindless and passive holding of right mouse button and you are completely open for flanking archers, which btw is a lot better here due to the reduction of the force field of the shield.

Movement is the key! Make it harder for archers or to hit anything when moving as a group. Even if you stand next to the flag carrier, don't fall in a formation! Formations are rigid, and you need to be flexible as a team.

Same goes for charging, stay with your team mates and go for backstabs. If you are fighting a brilliant fighter alone or 2 other enemies at once, go find another target ffs, you're not freakin Leroy Jenkins! Don't stay too long in the front row, with time you lose awareness, not only for the situation, but you lose focus and WILL get hit eventually without concentration. Suddenly you will miss that pike behind the great hammer. So once in a while you should step back a few seconds. Look around, where are your mates (all dead? => RUN ffs), where is the enemy (are they flanking? => go meet them instead). Decide where you are needed the most.

I can tell that you're dying to try out my MW long espada  8-)

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