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Messages - IKCharlie

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / Re: Unban Request
« on: July 24, 2011, 08:04:47 pm »
Sorry, I was heavily drinking last night (part i left out is i had friends over at my house, and we drank a while, which i continued to do so as i played), and can hardly remember who was even on the server last night.

I'm sure the admins can check the logs on the server to see who was doing that.

Closed Requests / Unban Request
« on: July 24, 2011, 07:39:47 pm »
Yesterday I got home from work after a 9 hour shift. I turned M&B to go kill something (let out stress). The server i usually play on had 1/100 people, there was a battle on NA_3 server. I joined that server to spectate and watch the fight (the Mercs were exploiting and hiding behind an invisible wall for a long time, so i left the server as it was boring). I then noticed the defend server had some 6 people, so i joined.

As i join, i picked my gear (i like my heavy armored gear so i don't die in 3 secs). I play a bit, and soon get vote kicked out. I rejoin wondering why i got kicked. I get my default gear and spawn, and people are TKing and attacking randomly, so i back away (blocking attacks). I repeated to move away from the people TKing for a few (very short) rounds. I soon get Vote Kicked from the server yet again.

The other servers i play on (80 man and 100 man servers) are still empty, so i rejoin defense server. As I keep getting attacked, I started to attack people back. Pretty soon i notice the server said i was gaining exp and money, so i clicked 'c' and my EXP did not change, so i figured it was a scrip bug. With my heavy gear, i soon notice my wallet is taking a hit, so i downgrade and take my armor off (soon after change to lower end weapon as well). After a while, I caught on that you did gain exp, at which point I stayed and abused (knowing) the exploit.

I don't hack, cheat, auto-block, or anything like the sort and condone such actions. I did however exploit, for which I am sorry. I take full responsibility for my actions, and thus take any punishments you deem necessary.

Thank you for your time

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