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Messages - Dozer

Pages: [1]
Suggestions Corner / Some ideas for rebalance.
« on: February 03, 2012, 10:11:16 am »
Hello guys! I had some ideas for a long time. I suppose that many of them are already suggested, but still i will sound them. I have no hope that devs will read this and carry out smth from this. But my conscience will be clear :D


In 0.650 Warband beta Armagan added parrying and chambering. We can do chamber by nowadays, but parrying was removed in next patch. I will explain why.

In that patch (that's a pity topic was removed from official forum recently) long right mouse click made simple block and short click - parrying. Character moved his weapon or shield in rather strange way in needed side to parry enemy's strike. Why was it made?
In this patch all two handed weapon stunned one handed everytime. After each strike. Even with shield. If u success in parry - 2h enemy-s weapon stunned and u could ontinue attacking. I consider that more realistic(though harder) and more interesting for gameplay. BUT! On all server became OP all nords with their long big 2h axes(which were included 1 patch ago or smth like that). And big heaps of noobish guys took these axes and killed everyone. Cuz nobody could parry. On next day there was a big whining on official forum and by next patch stun was made as only after delaying strike with 2h.

In that times blocking skill was very low. People blocked simple strikes rather badly. So what could they parry then by single clicking on right button mouse? So i suppose that these changes were just made not in proper time. Now we have 80% of playing people who block fine.

I already discussed this with my russian comrades and got an answer that all that stuns are inside game code, so we even can't revive them again. But i suppose crpg devs which made lots of things impossible earlier could try smth to make the game even more interesting.

Closed Requests / Re: Admin abuse
« on: October 03, 2011, 06:32:11 pm »
So any measures to ninja007 ??

Closed Requests / Re: Admin abuse
« on: October 03, 2011, 01:57:46 pm »
I join to this topic.
acid_king was banned i suppose for being naked, BUT
i didn't know the proper reason and how long the ban would be. i asked an admin, cuz i had no log. just kicked and that's all.
admin supercrossbowninja007 refused to explain me reasons and ban period, cuz he wanted to play. WTF?

i find that behavior is unpropriate to admin duty. nobody cares for his wish to play. he has an admin job priority. and MUST explain.

please, fuck him up.

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