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Messages - Goldwyn

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / Re: (BAN REQUEST) The_Kock_Knocker
« on: September 28, 2011, 10:43:52 pm »
This is not about emotions or how we are sensitive. This is about language diferences and that we want to keep our language alive in our community. Not because we are a minority we have to bow our heads to majoritys. We have our rights. Then we want to practice them without being unsulted by others who dont give a scumbag about others.

Closed Requests / Re: (BAN REQUEST) The_Kock_Knocker
« on: September 28, 2011, 09:51:07 pm »
This aint about Canadians OR Americans. In fact both of them are Americans. We are currently speaking of the language we speak. Like you say Anders you have multiple of Canadians in ur clan wich hate french Canadian. Do they speak french by any chance? This kind of hate aint from yesterday. It had been this way for long long time. Language and religion made wars. I understand wat my friend is trying to say when he wants this guy banned. And i know it is not the first time nor the last time we will receive those kind of hatefull comments.

But tears marks a semi-point in this story. Yes it would dramatically lower the player in our community servers if we start banning every single one of them that makes those kind of comments. Because most of them are people that had a bad day and want to release their emotions in such a way. Or just plain Assholes who just likes to look tough writing shit. Wat I mean is that even if we start banning people saying those kind of things will just be a kiss on a wound. But it would not heal it.

 French speakers and English speakers will always have this hate on each other. I personally think that this kind of hate comes when you see a text or you hear something you dont understand. So french speakers dont understand English or English speakers that dont understand French get frustrated and start hating those people. Put it this way : Ever went to school? i hope so. Ever did a math test where you did not study or a problem that you did not understand. And because you did not understand you are starting to get pissed off at everything. Well it happened to me. probably happened to you too. So this kind of frustation comes back the same way when you hear or see a language u do not understand.

I know it is bad. Personally i dont hate other people that is different from me. Because i know if this person gets personal with those kind of comments, it could piss him off or hurt him. And for us, Occitan, we think that if we dont go and hate on you guys (concerned people only) we dont deserve to be hated on. So please stop this for those that understands wat i am saying. And for the others, well... i wish you luck on ur future and that you will wake up some day.

Good day,

Closed Requests / Banned for wat?
« on: September 24, 2011, 06:21:47 pm »
Never mind. my bad

very true. this need to be taking care of by people who are active. lots of people take their time to QMD maps that are clearly unplayable. Things needs to move a little.

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