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Messages - Zophos

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Closed Requests / Re: Leecher - Zophos - eu crpg 4 siege
« on: January 13, 2011, 11:48:30 pm »
Who gives a shit, it's not like the server was full or anything. And I'm saving up gold for something while playing something else on my computer. Hate the game, not the player? (lol)

Wow, great job! Although I don't really like the posistion at which you pictured the horses, other then that it's pretty awsome!

Edit: Shit, do you need this spot in the post?

PS: I think that the armor pictures are the biggest upgrade from the original, you can really see what they look like like this! Great job.

General Discussion / Re: Fix list
« on: January 06, 2011, 02:05:15 pm »
Its for mega skille players that dont lose and gain 2k gold per round.

That has nothing to do with skill? It completely has to do with what kind of team you're in, and autobalance will balance 'skilled' players to the loosing team aswell.

Edit: It doesn't matter how much kills you make, everybody gets the same amount of gold... only by the multipliers if you win allot of rounds. But that's complete bollocks as autobalance can balance you to the loosing side of the team.

General Discussion / Re: Fix list
« on: January 06, 2011, 02:02:19 pm »
They already nerfed tincans, because a weight of an armor decreases wpf by % not by number of weight. And expensive upkeep will force ppl wear lighter armor  :wink:

I seriously don't get that last bit, 'upkeep will force people to wear light/medium armor'. Then wtf is the expensive equipment for, if NOBODY can use it?

They should just make it so that 'tin cans' have disadvantages, not make it so that nobody can ever walk around in one, otherwise you might aswell remove every piece of equipment that people cannot 'keep up' from the game.

General Discussion / Re: Fix list
« on: January 06, 2011, 01:04:45 pm »
b) the reason for upkeep was that the game is supposed to be playable for a long time. This is either done by resetting the database in set intervals, like a month or two, or by artificially keeping the equipment lower than max. We've decided to go with #2.

I'm wondering though... if the upkeep is designed so that players can only maintain a medium grade armor set, then why are there even blackplates and those expensive horses etc in the game? Only for players to drool uppon? Or do you expect people to play with peasant clothing 90% of the time so that on rare occasions they can equip there plate armor if they want too? (Which most likely leaves them crippled either 90% or 10% of the time as you need different stats in order to fare well with that specific equipment)

I understand that you're trying to create some sort of gold-sink, like most RPG's have, but only 1 gold sink that nobody can keep up with doesn't make sence, unless that which I stated above is your plan.

If say players could earn gold in different ways, perhaps trough trading or crafting stuff in strategus... then there would be certain players who could afford the expensive stuff. But you should ask yourself if that's fair towards the player base who only plays cRPG.

Imo the old system where you would gain gold very slowly was a more succesfull formula for a game like this. And I herby suggest you to revert that, or think thinks trough a little better perhaps.

Edit: I suggest the following;

Make it so that there's different roles for players to play on the battlefield. Like in a real battle, one big army of plated knights would be a tremendously slow mass of metal, and thus leaving it up to the enemy where and how they strike them. A army needs different sort of troops, light fast ones, medium armored ones, and ranged ones to force the enemy into a certain position or pressure them to attack etc.

Now to make it fun and more realistic, heavy armor and stuff does indeed have to cost more gold. Also, it'll have to be a skill intensive 'build' to be able to wear these kind of heavy suites and ride the most fiersome warhorses etc.

So you have to make sure that new players can take on a battlefield role that isn't as utterly useless as a peasant with a pitchfork, but not able to become a heavily armored knight on a plated charger fast either. (That must take a long time of training and a large sum of gold to afford the equipment).

Now older more experienced players shouldn't feel that they are forced into the 'heavily armored class' either, they can become infantry with a pike and take on a specific role to take on those proud knights at their expensive horses, and totally obliterate them if they want.

So maby you'll have to make plated armor be a bit more skill intensive and raise the level cap to be able to wear one of those again. (Not allot of players will play them I suppose as you will leave the retirement system in it's place so creating a new character and get a bonus+a heirloom will still be really attractive)

Anywho, if you would like some help with balancing this game out, don't hesitate to ask some help.
You're doing a great job so far though!


Hmm... I wonder if I should buy the elephant then. I really want it but I cba to waiste 64k gold on something I can't use, that's still hours and hours of time wasted.

So emm, let me get this straight. Horses have no upkeep currently...?

General Discussion / Re: Fix list
« on: January 05, 2011, 09:46:37 pm »
The repair costs are stupid imo, you either have to be some bigshot in strategus to be able to run around with expensive gear (That's the plan right? Synergy between c-rpg/strategus?), or safe up for weeks, then wear it for a bit, and farm again.

Can anybody confirm that this is the way it's supposed to be? Gold doesn't update on the website either btw... is it just me who's bugged, or...?

Edit: I spawn as a level '0' character in-game... with 0 XP and nothing etc.

Nvm, I think I fixed it by equiping an item... apperently the server doesn't recognize you when you don't have any gear on or something;o.

General Discussion / Re: Repair poll
« on: January 05, 2011, 06:32:07 pm »
Repairing anything should never be more costly then the gold you earn in a round, imo. That way it'll still be a challenge to obtain some plate armor, but once you have it... you can either choose to maintain that, or equip some peasant clothing and 'farm' more gold.

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