One of my characters is a Hybrid 10PT and 10 PS, 2 hand / thrower and I average 3-4 kills a round with throwing axes, and I Mostly just use the throwing axes I start out with.
At first I chose them to get some range against archers and runners because I'm mega slow and never catch up to them with my great axe, also they are excellent against cav, I can guaranty you no sane cavalry man will get close to you if he sees you with throwing axes
, after a little time it became obvious I could kill anything with them, even plate with 2, max 3 hits.
I find it extremely easy to get kills, lots of them 1 hit kills even with the 70ish in WPF, true I'm full strength but still It seems rather easy just spamming some axes and getting kills.
I gave RomoR a rest because I got tired grinding to 31 (half way there) and am now playing my alt RimiR, a Shield and pike and have noticed a increase in throwers, its evident people know how dangerous a high power thrower player can be and at the same time having good survivability with a shield or even just keeping your distance while spamming stuff so I can see it getting worse, and the more throwers the more ammunition they have to pick up from the ground.
A simple solution would be to make it impossible to pick up a thrown weapon, (if its possible at all) this would limit the throwers to there starting equipment, it would still be a viable option against archers or cavalry but at the same time bring down the hail of stuff being thrown.
Edited for some clarity.