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Messages - Arris

Pages: [1]
Strategus General Discussion / Re: Tevarin castle defense
« on: August 27, 2011, 12:14:37 pm »
Anyway, they lost! I I haven't seen such a glorious defense, nor such an embarrassing defeat yet in Strategus.

Cheers, Belmont!
You are to receive a medal, Order of Gnjusasity!

So you didn't see Fallen attacks on Dusturil man. Much more epic/glorious defense than here, too bad I couldn't be in Tevarin castle battle.

Closed Requests / Re: EU_cRPG_5 admin abuse
« on: February 16, 2011, 10:04:52 pm »

Closed Requests / Re: EU_cRPG_5 admin abuse
« on: February 16, 2011, 08:59:30 pm »
The admin gave feedback to your concerns, and valid feedback at that.

And as an aside, seriously, banned on four servers? What, because you are such a nice guy and people hate friendliness? ;)

When you get banned on on 1/2/3/5 server, you get banned on all of them. Well, I didn't see this feedback after my message. I don't think that muting someone is a feedback.

No, it was kick poll, if it was ban poll show me some proof. Now I regret that I didn't make screenshot becouse I didn't want to start some stupid screen wars. and what kind of "previous offences", now I'm really intrested. Also, "Fire with Fire", nice, but comparing these two it was hitting you with cloth glove and you hit back with hardened steel. But I guess some people have to overreact and use their "power". That was intresting discussion.

Closed Requests / Re: EU_cRPG_5 admin abuse
« on: February 16, 2011, 08:48:30 pm »
You where both whining about admin abuse, ignoring the feedback you got from the admin. After a lot of whining you both got muted.
They were banned for exploiting. The fact that you STILL state afk was the reason shows you werent even trying to communicate, just whining.
As an answer to the muting, Arris started a ban-poll, and got banned.

No, it was kick poll and I said only once (a lot of whining lol) that it looks like admin abuse and i got instantly muted. Quite fast reaction and i don't know what do you mean by feedback. Admin openly said that people on Spectator will get 3 days ban in 2 minutes after his message. Good move especially that people on spect tend not to be in game and read everything so it's quite hard for them to read his message. He could just kick them (even though server was so low populated that it shouldn't affect anynone wanting to join) instead of some 3 days ban. And as for my kick poll, I made it becouse it was the only form of showing disagreement with admin and since you can't poll kick admins this poll was harmless. Sorry but muting people for 1 message (without offensive words) is at least strange.

Closed Requests / EU_cRPG_5 admin abuse
« on: February 16, 2011, 07:52:26 pm »
2hspammingnoob is banning, kicking and muting people one after another (please check logs to see how many people were banned in short period of time). I was muted and kicked appearently for no real reason. I would like to ask some main admin to check this guy becouse for me it's admin abuse. Thanks in advance. BTW I would like to ask for unban on EU_cRPG_1, 2, 3, 5.


General Discussion / Re: Changelog 0.210
« on: January 11, 2011, 03:35:20 am »
I for some reason dont see these changes.... Rouncy still costs the same and does everything the same, am i missing something?

Hah, I'm still up. These changes doesn;t appear on site yet but for example xbow repair cost already increased in game from around 500 to almost 900. Ok, now I'm really gone with my whining... for now. :P

General Discussion / Re: Changelog 0.210
« on: January 11, 2011, 03:14:43 am »
Last test we did was Siege Crossbow and Steel Bolts versus Very Strong Bow and Bodkin Arrows. Our target was character in Transitional Heraldic Armor with 5 Ironflesh.

To kill him archer needed 6 shots. And he was in heavy strange armor (idk if that affects his dmg).
Crossbow needed... 5 shots to kill guy in Transitional Armor. But let's say that he might kill him with 4 shots, that still doesn't make much difference considering xbow and bow speed rating.

FFS, only one shot difference? Not to menton that we are talking about bow that is in "middle of bow ladder" versus top crossbow. I hope you see where I'm coming from. Crossbows are just not worth their price. It's not another random cry since we have made few tests. That's not even advantage against heavy armors since bow will kill that can faster, he will kill can like that while crossbow will be in the middle of doing the same job... I just hope that's not last change in crossbows stats. Now off to get some sleep...

Last EDIT:
Quote from: Erasmas
I just learned that regular xbow + regular bolts need 6 shots to kill guy in Heavy Strange Armour + Wisby Gauntlets with 0 WPF.
He meant Ironflesh, not WPF (i think since our target had 0 IF).

General Discussion / Re: Changelog 0.210
« on: January 11, 2011, 02:33:39 am »
Ok, just tested it in opposite team, the same characters, archer vs xbow in the same armors.

I would die after 3 shots while having 5 ironflesh, he would die after 2nd shot while having 0 irofnlesh.

Also i tested it on random archer who shot me and took smth like 1/4 of my hp. Soon i will test it on better armor.

EDIT: Tested it with Heraldic Mail with surcoat. I would also die after 3 shoots of Very Strong Bow...

General Discussion / Re: Changelog 0.210
« on: January 11, 2011, 02:25:54 am »
You should test agisnt heavy strange armor, the bows will be twice the xbow, then try plate and it will triple.

I can test it with heraldic mail with surcoat, also even if what you say is true it doesn't justify increasing price that much. Heck that dmg nerf but this price is hilarious.

General Discussion / Re: Changelog 0.210
« on: January 11, 2011, 02:14:30 am »
What's maddness is that a xbow can still 1shot kill on a body shot from across the map and a bow can't.

Not exactly. We have tested that too on naked guy with 0 ironflesh. He died after 2nd shot of Siege Crossbow with Steel bolts!

General Discussion / Re: Changelog 0.210
« on: January 11, 2011, 02:10:47 am »
Ok, after few tests. We have checked it with Siege Crossbow and Very Strong Bow. One of test object was my character.

Light Strange Armor set.

Important stats:
Ironflesh 5

And now:
I will die after 3-4 shots of Strong Bow. Bodkin Arrows.
I will die after 3 shots from Siege Crossbow. Steel Bolts.

Why I'm writing this. Acording to this changelog bow worth around 7500 Gold is almost the same powerful as crossbow worth 17000! Now crossbows are useless since they don't have dmg advantage or speed advantage or accuracy advantage. It even costs a whole lot to repair it (around 900 gold!!). This is MADNESS.

General Discussion / Re: Changelog 0.210
« on: January 11, 2011, 01:37:57 am »
Crossbows nerfed again? And now repairs price and purchase price are higher? Gratz... dissapointing changelog.

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